Gender impact assessments using gender budgeting program

About the program

About the projects:

DRG and unpaid care work: The first gender impact assessment was also conducted by CRPM in collaboration with UN Women aiming to: (i) invigorate discussion that led to ensuring policy support to the reform of the primary health services and establishment of community based care services that will mitigate the risk of increasing use of unpaid care performed by female family members; (ii) community based home care services policy model developed and functional in 5 municipalities based on analysis of the situation, factors and stakeholders as well as assess the financial implication of the establishment of such services on municipal level. Related publications “Diagnosis related groups and unpaid care work of women” in 2008 and “More care in primary health! More community care centres!, and DRG movie. 

On evidence of application of the RBM: The policy advocacy within the Project: “Diagnosis related groups and unpaid care work of women” resulted with adoption of Bylaw on home care service delivery “Правилник за нормативите и стандардите за простор, опрема, стручни кадри и средства потребни за основање и започнување со работа на установа за социјална заштита – центар за давање помош во домашни услови”.

Donor: UN Women

CRPM’s dedicated work on enhancing civil society proactive work through strengthened networking using GRB methods has stimulated cooperation with local government and shaped local policies and budgets addressing the different needs of women and men, especially of most vulnerable and marginalized groups in 17 targeted municipalities (Delchevo, Makedoska Kamenica, Kavadarci, Negotino, Radovish, Gevgelija, Struga, Vevchani, Krushevo, Krivogashtani, Chair, Shuto Orizari, Ilinden, Staro Nagorichane, Lipkovo, Brvenica & Tearce). The project implemented 2020-2024 was in sync and further strengthened the capacities of existing non formal network of Gender Budget Watchdog Network (GBWN) by expanding its membership to CSOs from the target municipalities and representing the interest of the rural women and men, poor women and men, women and men with disabilities, minority women and men (ethnic, religious, sexual) and women and men from vulnerable age groups: young and the elderly citizens.  

Specifically, the project mobilized citizens in participatory processes and contributed to local level decision making by appraising gender budget and policy initiatives aiming at social inclusion and enhance gender equality. It also built CSO capacity to use GRB tools to evaluate the correspondence between policies and budgets and the needs of men and women. Finally, it promoted GBWN in monitoring public finance spending on local level and strengthen their advocacy efforts. 

Donor: EU, CEI.

Related publications:
Бриф 1: Енергетска ефикасност во општина Брвеница
Бриф 2: Локален економски развој во општина Чаир
Бриф 3: Социјална заштита и локален економски развој во општина Делчево
Бриф 5: Родова еднаквост во општина Кавадарци
Бриф 4: Родова еднаквост во општина Гевгелија
Бриф 6: Социјална заштита и образование во општина Кривогаштани
Бриф 7: Социјална заштита, млади и спорт во општина Крушево
Бриф 8: Образование и култура во општина Липково
Бриф 9: Инфраструктура и спорт во општина Македонска Каменица
Бриф 10: Локален економски развој во општина Неготино
Бриф 11: Социјална детска и здравствена заштита во општина Пробиштип
Бриф 12: Локален економски развој и социјална заштита во општина Радовиш
Бриф 13: Образование во општина Шуто Оризар
Бриф 14: Социјална заштита во општина Старо Нагоричане
Бриф 15: Животна средина во општина Струга
Бриф 16: Социјална заштита во општина Теарце

Бриф 17: Социјална заштита во општина Вевчани
Бриф за родова еднаквост и родово одговорно буџетирање
Збирка на мониторинг извештаи за родово одговорно буџетирање
Анализа на чинење и корист-Орални контрацептивни таблети

Related links:
Meeting with councilors and members of inter-sectoral group on gender equality, Municipality of Gevgelija
Meetings with councilors and members of the EOC, Municipality of Lipkovo
Meetings with councilors and members of the EOC, Municipality of Makedonska Kamenica
Meetings with mayor, councilors, and members of the EOC, Municipality of Negotino
Meetings with mayor, councilors, and members of the EOC, Municipality of Krivogashtani
Meeting with the deputy mayor and councilors, Municipality of Staro Nagorichane
Meetings with councilors, Municipality of Krushevo
Meeting with the mayor and councilors, Municipality of Vevcani

The Gender Budget Watchdog Network –GBWN is a flagship initiative of CRPM that brings together 100 civil society organizations from seven countries and aims to strengthen the role of CSOs as an interest group that contributes to increasing accountability and transparency and improving the management of public funds.  

We are building the capacities of CSOs in order to increase their participation in policy-making and budgeting processes through the use of gender watchdog reporting and networking. As gender responsible budgeting is a method of paying and spending public money in a large number of countries, our work is relevant not only for the region but also globally. There is no other network organization that uses gender budgeting tools when assessing the compatibility of policies and budgets with the needs of men and women, so our work is unique and there is a great interest in replicating it in other regions where we currently do not work. That’s why we have recently become an active network in policy advocacy, sharing knowledge and information on an international level.  

Therefore, the GBWN program aims at strengthening the role of CSOs as stakeholders who contribute to increasing accountability and transparency and improving public money management by monitoring and assessing the impact of gender policies and budgets on gender equality.  

Donors: ADA and SIDA

Related publications:
State funding for SOS helplines in the Western Balkans and Republic of Moldova
Трошковна анализа за менструалните производи
Outline knowledge product: Delivering on SDG 5.c.1 in Western Balkans and Republic of Moldova
Monitoring the fiscal impact of COVID-19 crisis on women in Western Balkan and Republic of Moldova
Dealing with COVID-19: How does public spending affect gender equality

Related links:
GBWN at the 68th Annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68)
International Conference: “Role of Civil Society in (Gender-Responsive) Budgeting: Participation, Advocacy and Accountability” – CRPM
GBWN Gender-Fiscal Analysis/МРОБ Фискална Анализа – CRPM
Workshops on Climate Change, Gender, and High-Level Advocacy | GBWN – CRPM
Recap of the Two-Day Regional Forum on Gender Responsive Budgeting: Going Glocal
Ensuring Equality: Gender Responsive Public Financial Management and the Role of CSOs Webinar
Month of Gender Equality in Decision-Making/Месец на Родова Рамноправност
We Hosted Our First GBWN Webinar for 2023 and Here’s What We Learned
Webinar: Substantive Representation of Women – Insights from a Developing Research Area in South East Europe
GBWN Workshop on Network Communication Strategy in Chisinau, Moldova