
Democratic education and leadership for good governance

Macedonian citizens see the future of the country as being a member of the EU forcing the government to seriously work in meeting the requirements set by the European Commission. In this respect there are two risks: (i) much of the current policies are transferred from EU legislation without necessary adaptation to Macedonian circumstances; and (ii) the reforms are designed, adopted and implemented without much consultation with stakeholders. Therefore, independent non-state actors with expertise in policy analysis are highly needed to invigorate policy debates, influence the policy agenda, offer policy options adequate to Macedonian circumstances based on evidence, open the policy making process to stakeholders and monitor the implementation of the policies evaluating the degree of public value they generate. Using policy research methodology CRPM gathers evidence and knowledge, analyzes and offers policy options to the government, local self-government, civil and private sector on all current Macedonian and European developments.

Leadership and education for democratic culture

o School of Public Policy Mother Teresa

o Regional School for Political Development

o Smart Balkans Financial Academy for CSOs

o GBWN Academy as an online platform for gaining GRB knowledge and skills

o Smart Start Academy for transformation of CSOs in social companies​

Good governance and budget monitoring

o Anticorruption

o Governance index

o Gender and participatory budgeting and monitoring

European Integration

o Enlargement Process Monitoring

o Smart Balkans Project

See Related Publications


Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. CRPM aims at research and advocacy that will help Macedonia develop, taking into account that the Government’s overarching economic goal should be to grow an inclusive, innovative economy for the benefit of all citizens. The achievement of sustainable economic development requires a new and different approach to policy making and its implementation. CRPM believes that the Government should be looking for greater integration and co-ordination of policy making and its implementation across the public sector, and across social, economic and environmental policy portfolios. We would like to see a greater partnership between the central government, the municipalities, the private sector and the foreign investors. In order to achieve this, we will work on the following:

Economic development

o Hidden economy

o Social entrepreneurship

o Trade and innovations

o Economic dynamics and cooperation

Sustainable development

o Climate change

o Urban mobility

o Circular economy

o Biodiversity

See Related Publications

Human Development

Since 1989 and the beginning of democratic and economic transition, the quality of life of many Macedonian citizens has decreased. Concerned with establishing a better quality of life through respect of the human rights and adjusting the policies which stand in the way of achieving this, we recognize that development must place people at the center of its concerns. Hence, building up human capabilities and using those capabilities fully has been at the heart of this research area which places a specific focus on the aspects of: investment in the education, health and skills of people; developing a well-structured social expenditure by the government; empowerment of people, particularly women.

With the aim to tackle these general aspects of human development, the CRPM, by conducting provocative evidence-based analysis, will give its contribution to the following:


o Countering volent extremism and detection of radicalization through education

o Primary, Secondary and Higher Education

Labour market

o Labour market and employment policies

o European Working Councils

o Industrial relations

o New forms of work and future of work

Gender equality

o Gender mainstreaming of policies and budgets

o Gender budget watchdog network

o Young men’s initiative


o Demo-MBA

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