Education to prevent radicalization

About the project

Building upon the two national CVE Strategies (2019-2023) and (2023-2027) CRPM implemented number of projects in this area  

  1. “Educate2Prevent (E2P): Strengthening Front-line School Workers and Parents to Build Youth Resilience to Violent Extremism” (2018-2019), funded by the European Union, within the Global STRIVE I Program managed by the Hedayah Center of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism;
  2. “Passage4Prevent (P4P): use of education to prevent youth online radicalization” (2020-2021), funded by the European Union, always within the STRIVE Global Program managed by Hedayah;
  3. “Guardian Shield”: Operationalization of the referral mechanism strengthening resilience against radicalization and extremism in North Macedonia 

These pioneering projects laid the groundwork in country for capacity building1of teachers and front-line workers in schools on detecting signs of radicalization. They also raised awareness about online radicalization risks among students, teachers and parents, and developed relevant training materials. Furthermore, with EU funding, CRPM developed a referral mechanism called theP4P policy model”, otherwise known as the Passage4Prevent: Referral mechanism for prevention of radicalization. The model is community-based, envisaging a structure composed of several services that allowed for risk assessment and support the at-risk individual from different perspectives (psychological, educational, social, health-related, cultural, religious), as well as providing support in regard to the labor market integration and employment.

Donor: EU.

Relevant publications:
Deconstructing the Concept for Distance Learning: Education in Times of Covid-19
Baseline assessment for awareness raising and capacity building to use education to prevent youth online radicalization
Response to Online Radicalization: Towards On-line Safety Education Policy, 2021

Related links:
Состанок на советодавното тело во рамки на проектот „Образувај за да превенираш“
Three-day training with front line school workers from City of Skopje
EU preventing and countering violent extremism training in WB, Sarajevo
CVE Educational and Municipal Practitioners Community of Practice and Exchange Workshop agenda – CRPM
CVE education and municipal practitioners community of practice and exchange workshop/Работилница за пракса и размена на заедницата за борба/спречување на насилен екстремизам (Б/СНЕ) едукација – CRPM Претставен нацрт – механизмот за упатување на лица во ризик од радикализација којaшто води до насилен екстремизам / referral mechanism for persons at risk of radicalization that leads to violent extremism
Launch of the First Workshop on Developing Referral Mechanisms for Resilience – CRPM
Strengthening Partnerships with Schools in Kumanovo, Gostivar, and Shtip for the Guardian Shield Project – CRPM
Guardian Shield Project Kicks Off: A Collaborative Effort to Strengthen Resilience Against Extremism

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