The School of Public Policy |Mother Teresa| lectures are held by respectable domestic and international experts from various fields. Besides academic expertise they have a rich practical experience of public activity and participation in political processes. In their lectures and interactive workshops they educate, promote discussion and exchange experiences with participants.
Speakers | School Theme | Topics |
A | ||
Ace Kocevski, (former Mayor of Veles / former MP in the Macedonian parliament) | Public policy | “Public Policy at local level” |
Adelina Marku, (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) | Politics | “Political Psychology in the countries in transition” |
Aferdita Hadzhijaha Imeri, Expert on Social Inclusion | Public policy | “Social economy- innovative approach to labour market integration of vulnerable groups” |
Aferdita Haxhijaha Imeri, Phd Candidate | Public policy | “Combating trafficking of Women in Macedonia and Western Balkan” |
Afrim Gashi, General Secretary of BESA political party | Public policy | "Macedonia in crisis: options for solution and democratic development" |
Agim Jonuz, Director of GRAWE Group Macedonia; Former spokesmen of the government; Columnist | Leadership | Ethics in business/ Ethics in public speech |
Agim Jonuz, Former spokesmen of the government; Columnist | Public Policy | "Reforms in Macedonia 2017" |
Aisling Lyon, Dept. of Peace Studies, University of Bradford | Public Policy | “Decentralization and the delivery of primary and secondary education” |
Albert Hani | Multiculturalism | “OFA a challenge or opportunity” |
Albert Hani, Executive Director at Training Center for Management of Conflicts | Multiculturalism | “Dealing with the past: history and politics” |
Albert Hani, Executive Director at Training Center for Management of Conflicts | Multiculturalism | “Memorialization of the past in an intercultural environment, with special emphasis on the culture and policy of remembrance and the phenomenon of glorifying war heroes in post-conflict periods” |
Aleksandar “Aco” Stankovski – Rembrant | Public Policy | “Skopje 2017 – meditating on the topic” |
Aleksandar Aleksandrov, Col., Chief NATO Liaison Office Skopje | EU/NATO affairs | 2012 NATO Chicago Summit |
Aleksandar Cekov, M-r | Public Policy | “Analysis of intra – party democracy in Macedonia (focusing on equitable gender representation in party bodies)” |
Aleksandar Cekov, M-r | Multiculturalism | “Presentation of the Council of Europe report on “Living together” |
Aleksandar Cekov, CRPM Project manager | Public Policy | "Baseline study on perception of front-line school workers on radicalization and violent extremism" |
Aleksandar Colovic, (chess grandmaster) | Leadership | “Strategic planning and chess experiences” |
Aleksandar Pandov, political analyst and former MP | Public Policy | “The current political issues and the possible ways out of the political crisis” |
Aleksandar Pejovic, former Minister of European Affairs, Chief Negotiator for Montenegro’s Accession to the European Union | Public Policy | "The Western Balkans and the EU Integration efforts" |
Aleksandar Rusjakov, columnist | Public Policy | “The influence of politics on our everyday life” |
Aleksandra Bujaroska, (Front 21/42) | Public Policy | “Are we loosing the National Park Mavrovo? – Real participative democracy or political labyrinth” |
Aleksandra Nakeva Ruzin, Lecturer of Public Finance at the American College - Skopje, Former Ambassador to Sweden. | Public Policy | Global risks and challenges and local public policy implications. |
Alexandre Lévy, France (journalist – Courrier International /Presseurop/ Le Monde) | Public Policy | “The political situation in the Balkans” and “Geo-political interest of France on the Balkans” |
Amira Al Bildawi, Dr. (Um – Alyateem Foundation), Iraq | EU/NATO affairs | “The Regime Change in Iraq” |
Ana Colovic Lesoska, (Eko-svest) | Public Policy | “Are we loosing the National Park Mavrovo? – Real participative democracy or political labyrinth” |
Ana Mickovska – Raleva, MA (University of Cambridge) | Public policy | “Public Policy and Education” |
Anastas Vangeli, Media expert | Public Policy | Introduction to freedom of expression |
Anastas Vangeli, Media expert | EU/NATO affairs | “The New Leadership of the Chinese Communist Party: Challenges Ahead” |
Anastas Vangeli, Media expert | Public Policy | Free Expression and National Security: New media and the Internet in the Wikileaks era |
Anastas Vangeli, Media expert | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism, nationalism, sovereignty: few critical theses“ |
Anastas Vangeli, Doctoral Researcher at the Polish Academy of Science, and PhD Fellow at the ZEIT Stiftung | Public Policy | "China's Belt & Road Initiative: A Perception from the Balkans" |
Anastas Vangeli, PhD, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences) is a Research Fellow at the EU*Asia Institute at the ESSCA School of Management, and an Adjunct Professor at ESSCA's Shanghai Campus. | Public Policy | "Geopolitics in times of covid-19" |
Ana Vasileva, feminist | Public Policy | "Feminism in the XXI century" |
Andrej Zernovski, President of LDP (Liberal Democratic Party); former MP and Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe | EU/NATO affairs | “Macedonia and the Council of Europe” |
Andrejka V. Skračić, film director from Croatia | Public Policy | "Women's rights" |
Angel Angelov, Ambassador of Bulgaria in the Republic of Macedonia | Public Policy | "Евроинтеграција и перспективите на државите на Западен Балкан" |
Angelka Peeva Laurencic, Image PR – Managing director | Public Policy | Electoral Campaigns, Political Communication and Ethics |
Anton Sereci, Commission for Relations between Religious Communities | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism, new challenges and issues” |
Arba Bekteshi, M-r, EU Policy Expert, Ministry of European Integration, Albania | EU/NATO affairs | ”The NATO Concurrence in the Western Balkans: Strategic Cultures and Institutional Interests” |
Arben Cejku, Mr., Ambassador of Albania | EU/NATO affairs | Albania on the way to EU |
Arian Galdini, Professor and Head of Department of Business Administration in the Economic, Luarasi University | EU/NATO affairs | “Western Balkans and New Challenges on their paths in and toward NATO” |
Ardijan Ismaili, PhD, expert on global politics, GCSP Alumni & Community Hub Leader | EU/NATO Affairs | Security and counter intelligence |
Arta Ibrahimi, PhD | EU/NATO affairs | The accession process of the Western Balkan countries in the European Union |
Artan Sadiku, analyst in the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Skopje | Multiculturalism | “Nationalism as an ideology” |
Artur Adamczyk D-r, University of Warsaw, Poland | EU/NATO affairs | “Polish fears and suspicions before entering the EU” |
Prof. Atanas Kirjakovski, International Balkan University | Public Policy | „Евалуациски машини: природата и динамиката на човечките ставови со дискусија околу креирање на јавни политики кои во добар дел подразбираат формирање или менување ставови„ |
B | ||
Barbara Sadowska (President of the Barka Network) | Public policy | Тransformative Power of Policies for Social Entrepreneurship and Social Inovations |
Barbora Maronkova, Programme Officer, NATO Public Diplomacy Division | EU/NATO affairs | “New Security Environment and NATO’s role as defined by the Wales Summit” |
Bardul Marku | Public Policy | “Local governance” |
Bashkim Bakiu, M-r (Director of Institute for Policy Research and Good Governance) | Public Policy | “Electoral campaigns and surveying: issues for Macedonia” |
Bashkim Bakiu, M-r, Director of Institute for Policy Research and Good Governance | Public Policy | “The role of the Albanian political parties in the resolving of the ongoing political crisis in Macedonia” |
Bashkim Bakiu, Director of Institute for Policy Research and Good Governance Advisor at UNDP | Public Policy | "Local development in Macedonia" |
Bashkim Bakiu, M-r, Director of Policy Center of Alliance for Albanians Party | Public Policy | "Opinion Surveys as tools in the policy making processs" |
Bekim Imeri, World Bank | Public policy | “Public policy in the international organizations” |
Benjamin Ward, (Deputy director of Human Rights Watch’s Europe and Central Asia Division) | Multiculturalism | “Human rights” |
Besa Shahini (senior analyst at ESI – European Stability Initiative) | EU/NATO affairs | „Where the region is going in the next decade, the role of the EU and what policy makers in the region can and should do„ |
Besnik Tahiri, Kosovo Local Governance Institute – Director | Public Policy | Ethics in Campaigns: Case Study Kosovo |
Biljana Chavkoska, FON University, Faculty of Law | EU/NATO affairs | “Is the Republic of Macedonia “good lover”? Macedonia-EU-NATO case study” |
Biljana Vankovska, Prof. Dr., President of the Program Advisory board of the School of Public Policy |Mother Theresa| | Multiculturalism | “RECOM initiative – perspectives and challenges” |
Biljana Vankovska, Prof. Dr., President of the Program Advisory board of the School of Public Policy |Mother Theresa| | Multiculturalism | “The dilemma of the power-sharing model in divided societies: the case of the Republic of Macedonia” |
Biljana Vankovska, Prof. Dr., President of the Program Advisory board of the School of Public Policy |Mother Theresa| | EU/NATO affairs | “NATO and the new strategic reality in the world” |
Biljana Vankovska, Prof. Dr., President of the Program Advisory board of the School of Public Policy |Mother Theresa| | Public Policy | "Challenges and Opportunities in policy making in Macedonia" |
Biljana Zashova, (ALDA – Association of Local Democracy Agencies) | Public policy | “Citizen participation in Europe” |
Blagoj Zasov, Ambassador | Leadership | Ethics in Diplomacy |
Blagoja Markovski, D-r, President of the Balkan Security Forum | EU/NATO affairs | “The perspective of the Republic of Macedonia – NATO membership or alternative alliances” |
Blagojce Naumoski – Bane, M-r (Teaching assistant at the European University, Skopje) | Public Policy | “Art and Public Policy” |
Blagoje Grahovac, General, (retired) FORUM 2010, Montenegro | EU/NATO affairs | “Geopolitics of Western Balkans” |
Bojana Naumovska, Institute for Sociological, Juridical, Political Studies, University of Kiril and Metodij | Multiculturalism | “Multicultural policies and the role of ethnic political parties: cases of Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania’’ |
Boris Josifovski, General Secretary of President Gjorgje Ivanov Cabinet | Public Policy | „Раководење со кабинет на претседател на РМ, предизвици, искуства и дилеми„ |
Borislav Mavrov, Dr., Program Director at the European Institute, Sofia | Public policy | “Civic participation in the democratic life in Bulgaria, with special focus on different civic campaigns in the country related to different political events” |
Borislav Mavrov, PhD – Program Director of European Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria | Public policy | The Role of CSOs in Improving Public Policies at Regional Level |
Branimir Jovanovic, University American College Skopje, School of Business Economics and Management | Public policy | “A New Perspective on the Monetary Policy in Macedonia: The New Keynesian Model” |
Branislav Sarkanjac, Prof. d-r | Public Policy | "The New World Order" |
Branislav Sarkanjac, Prof. d-r | Public policy | “Frames and reforms” |
Branislav Sarkanjac, Prof. d-r | Public policy | „Се што сакавте да дознаете за Сарт, референдумот, и јавните политики„ |
C | ||
Prof. Cane Mojanoski, University of Kliment Ohridski, Facultu of Security | Public policy | "Research methods in public policy" |
Carlos Flores Juberías, Prof. Dr. | EU/NATO affairs | “The name issue in a comparative perspective” |
(professor of Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Valencia Law School/ Honorary Consul of Macedonia in the region of Valencia) | ||
Cassidy Henry, Fulbright researcher (Florida Atlantic University Honors College), USA | Public policy | “How the Government Could Be More Involved in Non-Governmental Organizations” |
Chris Sanders,former Executive Vice President of Kostal | ||
Public policy | Policies to succeed in life- personal view | |
Christian Vallar, Professor Dr., Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at the University of Nice | EU/NATO affairs | “Arab spring and the consequences for NATO” |
D | ||
Dalibor Jovanovski, the Institute of History at the Faculty of Philosophy | Public Policy | Работата на комисиите за „историја„ во Европски и локални ситуации. |
Damjan Mancevski, Minister of Information Society and Public Administration | "Digitization of the work of public administration in the Macedonia | |
Public Policy | ||
Dane Taleski, PhD Candidate | Public Policy | “Consolidation of democracy and hybrid regimes: challenges and pitfalls” |
Dane Taleski, PhD Candidate | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism in Post-conflict Societies” |
Daniel Pout, PhD Candidate | Public Policy | Relationship (historical and contemporary) between the Aegean Macedonian refugees and the sovereignty under which they have lived (Greece, Poland, Macedonia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, etc.) |
Daniel Smilov, PhD, Center for Liberal Studies, Sofia | EU/NATO affairs | The Rule of Law and the Rise of Populism: A Case Study of Post-accession Bulgaria |
Daniel Stojanovski, Parliamentary Institute | Public Policy/Multiculturalism | "Multiculturalism and Migration - Economic Aspects" |
Daniel Zelenkov, George Washington University | Leadership | “Individual freedom” |
Dessislava Antonova, PhD candidate, University of Kliment Ohridski, Sofia | EU/NATO affairs | "The Perspectives for EU Enlargement. How the referendum for Brexit may influence the process?" |
Deniz Selmani, Institute for Research and Policy Analysis – Romalitico | Public Policy | “Влијанието на вештачката интелегенција врз демократијата” |
Destan Jonuzi, Koha newspaper | "The role of print media in electoral campaigns in Macedonia" | |
Didem Ekinci, Prof., Çankaya University | EU/NATO affairs | “Rethinking the role of International Organizations in state and peacebuilding: the UN, the OSCE, and the EU in Macedonia since 1991” |
Dijana Stojanovic Djordjevic, PhD Candidate at the Institute for Sociological, Juridical, Political Studies, University of Kiril and Metodij | Public Policy | “Gender-sensitive policies – is there a change after 20 years of independence” |
Dijana Stojanovic Gjorgjevic, PhD, Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation | Public Policy | "Women leaders- fighters for equality/Жените лидерки - борци за еднаквост" |
Dijana Stojanovic Gjorgjevic, PhD Candidate (ISPPI) | Public Policy | “Gender mainstreaming step forward to gender equality” |
Dime Melovski, (Project coordinator at MED) | Public Policy | “Protection of the Balkan lynx” |
Dimitar Bechev, Dr., Senior Policy Fellow and Head of ECFR’s office in Sofia, Bulgaria | EU/NATO affairs | “The crisis in the EU and the enlargement of the Western Balkans” |
Dimitar Ljorovski, PhD | Public Policy | “The foreign policy of Greece towards Ottoman Macedonia” |
Dimitar Mircev, university professor | Public Policy | Political situation in Macedonia |
Dimitri Joanu, editor of the newspaper “Nova Zora” | EU/NATO affairs | “The Macedonian minority in Greece: European free alliance – rainbow and the elections for the European parliament” |
Diogen Hadzhi-Kosta Milevski, PhD Candidate at the University of Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Administration and Information Systems Management | Public Policy | “Transformations of the political system as a result of changes in the electoral system 1991-2011” |
Diogen Hadzi – Kosta Milevski Ass. Prof., FAMIS, Bitola | Public policy | “The legacy of Milton Friedman – an introduction” |
Diogen Hadzi-Kosta Milevski, PhD Candidate, FAMIS Bitola | Public policy/Multiculturalism | Public policy making in multiethnic societies [case of Macedonia] |
Diogen Hadzi-Kosta Milevski, PhD Candidate, FAMIS Bitola / Teaching Assistant at UCLO Bitola | Public policy | “Public policy making and its dependence on the model of the political system [case of Macedonia]” |
Dijana Despodov, Executive Director на AmCham Macedonia | Public policy | "Како јавните политики што се однесуваат на економијата се носат без консултации со бизнисот и какви тоа проблеми прави? Или зошто не сме иновативна земја и хаб на стартапи?" |
Dragan Nikolic, journalist at HRT TV Foreign politics | Public policy | "Croatian Experiences to the Democratic challenges to the Balkan region and Public Policy" |
Dragan Tevdovski, Prof. Dr., Faculty of Economics, Skopje | Public policy | “The legacy of Milton Friedman for economics and politics” |
Dragana Bukilica, M-r, Municipality of Aerodrom | Public policy | “Gender aspect – lost in the Macedonian decentralization” |
Driton Kuqi, Minister for economy | Public Policy | "Separation of powers in Macedonia: problems and issues to solve" |
Дритон Кучи, професор по уставно право на Правен Факултет, Државен Универзитет во Тетово | Public Policy | "Компаративни искуства во доминација на извршната врз законодавната власт" |
E | ||
Eben Friedman, PhD (Independent Consultant) | Multiculturalism | “Policy toward Roma in Macedonia (1948-2013)” |
Edmond Ademi, Executive Director at Institute Liberta | EU/NATO affairs | “EU integration and Macedonia possibilities and challenges” |
Eggert Hardten, European Stability Initiative | Public policy | “How to produce effective policy papers” |
Eggert Hardten, European Stability Initiative | EU/NATO affairs | "Public policy, EU enlargement and the migration crisis" |
Elena Dimushevska, Executive Director, National network to end violence against women and domestic violence | Public policy | "Current state of affairs in violence against women and domestic violence in Macedonia" |
Elena Kocoska, (POLIO PLUS) | Public policy | “Employment opportunities for disabled persons” |
Elka Jaceva – Ulcar, Prof. Dr. (Institute for Macedonian language “Krste Misirkov”) | Public policy | “The use of the Macedonian language in the Public Policy (compared with the use of the French language)” |
Emil Shurkov, CIKP Consulting, Hague | EU/NATO affairs | EU enlargement and fight against corruption: the effects of hidden or grey economy on governance |
Emilian Chillom, deputy Romanian ambassador in Macedonia | Public Policy | Establishing system for tackling corruption |
Emre Aksakal, deputy director ( Yahya Kemal Primary School, Skopje) | Leadership | “The success of Yahya Kemal in Macedonia” |
Erjon Tase, Director of the Albanian School of Political Studies | Public policy | "Albania and Democratic challenges to the Balkan region and Public Policy" |
Ervin Kallfa (PhD Candidate – City University of New York, New York) | EU/NATO affairs | “Measuring the effectiveness of EU state-building in the Western Balkans through the lens of Public Administration Reforms” |
Esad Rahic, M-r., (Marketing director, FON University/ Former MP from 2002-2008) | Public policy | “Policy making in practice – Experiences as MP” |
Esad Rahic, Mr., former MP, former member of the parliamentary Committee for Supervising the work of the security and counter-intelligence directorate and the intelligence agency | Public policy | “Parliamentary control over the security system in the Republic of Macedonia” |
F | ||
Florent Ibraimi, Lead Specialist - Finance at LEORON Institute | Management | Change management, business processes and project management |
François Lafond, Adviser to Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs in the Republic of Macedonia | Public Policy | "EU and policy changes in Macedonia" |
François Lafond, Adviser to Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs in the Republic of Macedonia | Public Policy | EU enlargement, EU parliamentary elections and Macedonia |
Frosina Tashevska Remenski, Prof., Faculty of Security | Public policy | “Cooperation in fighting Organized Crime in Western Balkans” |
Frosina Tashevska Remenski, Prof., Faculty of Security | EU/NATO affairs | “Models of nexus between terrorism and transnational organized crime” |
Frosina Tashevska Remenski, Prof., Faculty of Security | EU/NATO affairs | "Security implications of the geostrategic positioning in Europe and the Balkans" |
G | ||
Gihan Abou Zeid, NGO “One world” in Egypt | Public Policy | “Arab Spring and Gender” |
Gjorgje Ivanov, PhD, former President of the Republic of Macedonia | Public Policy | "World politics in covid-19 times" |
Gjorgji Alcheski, Director, TAV Airport in Ohrid St Paul and Apostles | Public Policy | "Security threats in Aviation and Airports" |
Goran Gerasimovski, (Rejting) | Public Policy | “Election polls and predictions” |
Goran Ilik, Prof. Dr., Assistant Professor at Law faculty, UKLO Bitola | EU/NATO affairs | “EUtopia and the role of the EU in the process for helvetization of the Balkans” |
Goran Janev, Dr. (Institute for Sociological Political and Juridical Research, Skopje, PhD from Oxford University in social anthropology) | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism is dead, long live the diversity” |
Goran Janev, Dr., Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research | Public policy | “Skopje 2014” |
Goran Janev, Prof., Institute for Sociological, Juridical, Political Studies, University of Kiril and Metodij | Multiculturalism | “Democracy gone sour: establishing ethnocracy in Macedonia” |
Goran Momiroski, Alfa TV | Public policy | Политика нови медиуми и fake news |
Goran Momirovski, Media consultant, Editor of 60 Minutes at Alfa TV | Public policy | Presidential campaigning in Macedonia: the case of Gordana Siljanovska Davkova |
Goran Shibakoski, University of Ohrid | Public policy | "Digital media and threats to liberal democracy" |
Goran Shibakoski, University of Ohrid | Public policy | "The National Cybersecurity Strategies in the Western Balkans Countries – Comparative Overview." |
Goran Zendelovski, D-r, Department of Security, Defense and Peace (Faculty of Philosophy – Skopje) | EU/NATO affairs | “Strategic concepts of globalization and security implications” |
Gorazd Stojmenovski, (IPIS) | Public policy | “Election polls and predictions” |
Gordana Gapic Dimitrovska (Ministry of informatics and public administration, Head of Sector) | Public policy | "Regulatory impact assessment in Macedonia" |
Gordana Nestoroska, Gender Budget Watchdog Network | Public policy | "Gender mainstreaming in the integration processes" |
Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, Prof, Law Faculty, UKIM, Skopje | Public Policy | „The 2017 crisis, public policy making and the Constitution" |
Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, Prof, Law Faculty, UKIM, Skopje | Public Policy | "Separation of powers in Macedonia- the government as the major player" |
Gordana Popsimonova, Prof. D-r, Institute of Agriculture Skopje, UKIM | Public policy | “Reforms in the higher education system in Macedonia” |
Gordica Karanfilovska, PhD researcher at Institute for Legal and Political Sciences, Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” | Leadership | Political marketing/Case study |
Gorica Atanasova Gjorevska, Ministry of Justice | EU/NATO affairs | “Macedonia– a leader or a laggard: Europeanization through political conditionality and the evolution of the of ‘name dispute’ as the key political criterion” |
Gorica Atanasova, EU expert, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Counselor for Coordination at the Cabinet of the Minister (Chief of Cabinet) | Public policy | “Multi-level governance” |
H | ||
Harald Schenker, consultant. | Public policy | Strategy for Integrated Education |
I | ||
Ida Manton, Visiting Professor at the University of Economics, Prague (Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze) and International Consultant. | Public Policy | "International Negotiations in pandemic times, |
Igor Filevski – File Topki, Barcelona, Spain | Public Policy | “Manipulation of the media in creating public opinion” |
Igor Jovanoski, PhD Candidate | Public policy | “Electoral democracy – formal or substantial?” |
Igor Jovanovski, Mr., Lecturer at the South East European University, University American College Skopje and Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Skopje | Public policy | “Rawlsian justice in Macedonia? A mission impossible?” |
Igor Jovanovski, PhD Candidate | Multiculturalism | “The liberal state and the crisis of multiculturalism. Conceptual and ideological clarifications” |
Igor Jovanovski, PhD Candidate | Public policy | “The state and the crisis of governance. Some insights from the contemporary state theory and praxis…” |
Ilija Aceski, Prof. | Multiculturalism | "Идентитетот во глобалното време". |
Ilija Djugumanov , Euro-Atlantic Council of Macedonia | EU/NATO affairs | "NATO and Macedonia – perspectives and benefits” |
Ilija Djugumanov , Euro-Atlantic Council of Macedonia | EU/NATO affairs | "Влијанието на евро-атлантските интегративни процеси врз меѓуетничките односи" |
Ilija Nikolovski, General (Ret.) | EU/NATO affairs | “Military diplomacy” |
Ilija Talev, PhD, Governance and the Rights of Children at Scuola Superiore ‘Sant’ Anna’ di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento | Public policy | “Is Social Policy the “Most Public” Policy? Debating poverty, equity and equality” |
Ilina Arsova, ( | Leadership | “Experiences from Mont Everest” |
Ilina Jakimovska, Prof. Dr. (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology) | Multiculturalism | “The connection between the folklore and politics” |
Inan Ruma, Prof. (Bilgi University, Turkey) | Public policy | "Turkey and the Democratic challenges to the Balkan region and Public Policy" |
Irena Avirovic, D-r, Institute of National History | Multiculturalism | “The Macedonian immigration in the USA between the First and Second World War” |
Irena Cvetkovic, Coalition “Sexual and health right of marginalized communities” | Public policy | “The participation of the citizens in the process of creating public policies” |
Irena Stefovska, former Minister of Culture | Public Policy | Reconciliation and History |
Iskra Koroveshovska, PhD, Editor, Alfa TV | Public Policy | "Media in covid-19 times" |
Iskra Koroveshovska, PhD, Editor, Alfa TV | Public Policy | "Violence against journalists, political and other- Macedonian circumstances" |
Ivan Stefanovski, PhD Candidate, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (sede di Firenze) | Politics | “Social and political movements in Southeast Europe and Turkey” |
Ivan Stefanovski, CRPM Analyst | Public Policy | "Democratic reforms in Macedonia: issues and prospects for the future" |
Ivan Stefanovski, PhD, Eurothink | Public Policy | "Western responses to CVE threats in the Western Balkans?" |
Ivanka Dodovska, Prof. D-r, Faculty of Law, Skopje | EU/NATO affairs | “Southeastern Europe Between the Geo-political Interests of the West, and the New Russian Expansionism (the Old and the new Debates)” |
Ivanka Dodovska, Prof. D-r, Faculty of Law, Skopje | Politics | "The challenges in the modern world: history, religion and politics in SEE” |
Ivanka Vasilevska, Prof. Faculty of Law, UKIM, Skopje | Politics | Nation building in Southeast Europe and Contemporary developments |
Ivica Bocevski M-r (former Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration) | Public policy | “Policy making in practice – Experiences as Deputy Prime Minister” |
Ivica Bocevski, M-r (former Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration) | EU/NATO affairs | “Is EU an agent of democratization in the region?” |
Ivica Bocevski, M-r (former Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration) | Politics | ”Analysis of the local election results in 2013″ |
Ivica Bocevski, M-r (former Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration) | Multiculturalism | “Liberal multiculturalism: the great picture” |
Ivica Bocevski, M-r (former Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration and Ambassador to Brasil) | Public Policy | "Foreign policy and pandemics" |
Ambassador Ivica Bocevski | Public Policy | „Public policy in foreign relations" |
Ivica Josifovic, FON University, Faculty of Law | EU/NATO affairs | “Political Criteria of CEE countries for EU membership” |
Ivica Vasev (USAID, Monitoring and Evaluation&Project Development Specialist) | Public policy | Evaluation and Performance Management |
Izet Zeqiri, Prof. Dr. (Former MP) | Public policy | “Strategic planning in public institutions and their practical implementation in Macedonia” |
J | ||
Jan Cingel, Prof., Slovak Atlantic Commission | EU/NATO affairs | “Latest developments in EU and the positioning of Slovakia and V4 members” |
Jane Trpkovski, analyst | Public Policy | "Sociological dimension of educatonal politcies, capacity of Labor market and mapping of social inequality" “Социјални нееднаквости и одржлив развој на населението„ |
Jasmina Trajkoska Naumoska, Prof. Fon University | Public policy | "Civic and political participation on local level" |
Jean Stanoevski, Balkan Net, Leadership Academy of Southeast Europe | Leadership/Public policy | "Development of Personal Leadership Skills" |
Jonuz Abdulahi, PhD | Public policy | “The process of creating public policies with particular reference to Republic of Macedonia” |
Josipa Rizankoska, PhD, President, DIALOGUE – Center for Deliberative Democracy | Multiculturalism | "The future of ethno-regionalism in Europe: secessionism in electoral campaigns of ethno-regional parties" |
Jovan Ananiev, Prof. and Strashko Stojanovski, PhD, University of Goce Delchev, Faculty of Law | Multiculturalism | “Twenty years independence: models of Nation Building in Macedonia” |
Jovan Andonovski, Prof. and Deputy Ombudsman of the Republic of Macedonia | Public Policy | "Migration and refugee crisis in the Balkans and Macedonia" |
Jovan Despotovski, EU expert | EU/NATO affairs | “EU integration and Macedonia possibilities and challenges” |
Jovan Donev, prof. and former ambassador | Public Policy | "Geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean and Macedonia" |
Jovan Kostov, PhD Candidate (INALCO Paris) | Public policy | “The use of the Macedonian language in the Public Policy (compared with the use of the French language)” |
Jove Kekenovski, Prof. D-r | Public policy | “Experiences from presidential elections campaign in the Republic of Macedonia” |
Jugoslav Achkoski, Prof. Military Academy General Mihailo Apostolski”-Skopje | Public policy | "NATO and Hybrid threats and hybrid security as new Threats to Democracy in the Balkans" |
Juliana Nikolova, Adviser to the Prime Minister cabinet on European policy matters, Sofia, Bulgaria | Public policy | Public Policy Formulation and Development Planning |
K | ||
Prof. Kaloian Simeonov, University of Kliment Ohridski, Sofia | EU/NATO affairs | "The Perspectives for EU Enlargement. How the referendum for Brexit may influence the process?" |
Karolina Ristova Asterud, PhD | EU/NATO affairs | “The position and function of the national parliaments in EU and the European integration of the Macedonian assembly” Националните парламенти во ЕУ - положба и функции” |
Katerina Klimoska, political analyst | EU affairs | Францускиот предлог за ЕПЗ |
Katerina Kolozova, Prof., Euro Balkan Institute | Multiculturalism | “Universalisms and/or Particularisms: Gender and Cultural Sensitivity Integrated into a Universalistic Political Approach” |
Katerina Neshkova, Sitel TV | Public policy | "Elections and media reporting" |
Katerina Neshkova, Sitel TV | Public policy | "State of affairs in the governing coalition on the eve of the EU Summit and the potential decision on start of membership negotiations" |
Katerina Veljanovska, Doc. D-r., MIT University, Skopje | Public policy | "Еластичност и отпорност на земјите од дезинформации и неинформираност, влијание на безбедност во Западен Балкан„ |
Keith Brown, Prof. Dr., USA | Public policy | “History, ethnography, social anthropology and public policy” |
Kenneth Simler, Dr. (Senior Economist of the World Bank), Washington, USA | Public policy | “Microeconomics and public policy, especially with regard to issues in poverty and inclusion, from both a global and European perspective” |
Kire Babanoski, Daniel Gjokeski, Katerina Klimoska, Biljana Dukoska, Alumni of the School | Public Policy | "Plagiarism in Higher Education" |
Kiril D. Hristovski, Ph.D., Professor of Environmental Technology Management, Arizona State University, USA | Public policy | “The role of the government institutions, NGO sector and media in the protection of the environment” |
Kiril Minoski, former minister of finance. | public policy | "Change Leadership and Public Policy" |
Константин Миноски, проф. Филозофски Факултет, УКИМ | public policy | „Идентитетските процеси во Македонија и Западен Балкан.„ |
Konstantin Pavlov – Komitata, Bulgaria (Blogger/ analyst/ columnist) | Politics | “Political relations between Bulgaria and Macedonia” and “How to act against ACTA” |
Kosta Petrov, Founder and Chief Experience Officer at the“P World” ( and ) | Leadership | “Global business – is it possible to do it from Macedonia?” |
Kristina Misheva, professor at University of Goce Delchev | Public Policy | "Health policy making and Covid-19" |
Kristof Bender, Deputy Chairman at the European Stability Initiative (ESI) | EU/NATO affairs | The Balkans and the EU Enlargement process |
L | ||
László Vasa, vice-rector Metropolitan University | Public Policy | “Energy corridors and the fight with Russia |
Lazim Ahmedi, State University of Tetovo, Law Department | EU/NATO affairs | The name-dispute. Macedonia’s main handicap towards NATO and EU accession” |
Leon Malazogu, MA (Director at the think tank Democracy for Development, Kosovo) | Multiculturalism | “Multicultural policies in Macedonia and implications for Kosovo” |
Leon Malazogu, MA (Director at the think tank Democracy for Development, Kosovo) | Multiculturalism | “Kosovo, multiculturalism and the Ahtisaari Plan” |
Leon Malazogu, MA (Director at the think tank Democracy for Development, Kosovo) | Multiculturalism | “Multicultural policies in Kosovo” |
Leonora Kryeziu, (Executive director – PIPS), Prishtina, Kosovo | Public policy | “Role of Civil Society in Policy making” |
Lidija Georgieva, Dr., Faculty of Defense | EU/NATO affairs | “Strategy of the EU internal security” and “EU security policy towards the Western Balkans” |
Liljana Popovska, MP (DOM) | Public policy | The process of creating public policies of the green political parties in Macedonia |
Lindita Rexhepi, MA, (Executive Director, Center for Intercultural Dialogue) | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism in Macedonia” |
Lindita Rexhepi, Program Manager at Peace Corps Macedonia | Multiculturalism | “Working with youth on intercultural dialogue” |
Lindita Shakiri Atanasova, Municipality of Aerodrom | Public policy | “Gender aspect – lost in the Macedonian decentralization” |
Lindita Shakiri Atanasova, Municipality of Aerodrom | Multiculturalism | “Gender aspect – lost in the Macedonian decentralization” |
Lindita Shakiri, RAD alumni | EU/NATO affairs | Panel Debate – Title: “EU integration and Macedonia possibilities and challenges” |
Ljube Dukoski, Euro-Atlantic Club | EU/NATO affairs | “NATO and Energy Security“ |
Ljubica Pendaroska, Teaching assistant, Faculty of Law, European University | EU/NATO affairs | “Clouds of Ukrainian crisis over Macedonia? The necessity of a strategic partner on the Euro-Atlantic integration path?”…. |
Ljubica Pendaroska, expert on intellectual property | Public policy | Micro-targeting: invasion of private data, instrument for influence of the electorate, instrument of influence on democracy and/or propaganda tool? |
Ljubinka Andonovska, PhD Candidate / PR consultant | Public policy | “Mass Media and Public Policy” |
Ljubisha Cvetkovski, Host at TV21, Klik Plus. | Public Policy | "Independence of Media-experience from Macedonia and the region" |
Ljubisha Nikolovski, journalist, Slobodna TV | Public Policy | „Media between public interest and political clientalism“ |
Ljubomir Drakulevski, Prof. D-r, Dean, Faculty of Economics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Macedonia | Public policy | “The situation in the higher education in Macedonia” |
Ljubomir Frckoski, Prof. Dr. , Faculty of Law, Skopje | Politics | “Presidential campaign and the position of the President of the R. Macedonia according to the Constitution” |
Ljupcho Gjurgjinski, Councillor at MFA ( Виш советник за мултилатерални односи) senior lecturer at DiploFoundation | Public policy | "Global security in the era of bio-technological revolution" |
Ljupco Pecijarevski, Prof. D-r, Professor on the Faculty of Economics at the University St. ”Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola | Public policy | “The social justice between interdisciplinary theoretical contextualization and empirical verification” |
Ljupcho Zlatev, Lider portal | Public policy | "Fake news, internet portals and media developments in Macedonia" |
Ljupka Trajanovska | Public Policy | Gender movement- challenges |
Loreta Georgieva, Executive Director at Macedonian Civic Education Center (MCEC) | Public policy | “Why do we work in the NGO sector?” |
M | ||
Maja Gerovska-Mitev, Prof. D-r, associate professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Politics (Faculty of Philosophy) and independent expert for Macedonia in the Network of independent experts for social inclusion of the European Committee | Public policy | “Poverty and unemployment in Macedonia: facts, myths and reality” |
Maja Lazareska, M-r, Head of Department for European Union at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy | EU/NATO affairs | “European integration, IPA I and IPA II” |
Maja Morachanin, (President of Forum of women and member of the Executive board of DOM-Democratic Reform Macedonia) | Politics | “Activities of the Forum of women of DOM” |
Maja Muhic, Prof., Southeast European University, Languages, Cultures and Communications | Multiculturalism | “Multicultural and Intercultural Landscapes: Achievements and Challenges” |
Maja Muhic, Prof., Southeast European University, Languages, Cultures and Communications | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism and Anthropology” |
Malinka Ristevska Jordanova, Dr., European Policy Institute | EU/NATO affairs | “The EU Balkan Enlargement – how different?” |
Malinka Ristevska Jordanova, PhD, Director, European Policy Institute | EU/NATO affairs | “Adopting the acquis – timeless: the case of Macedonia” |
Mariangela Biancofiore Ameti, Italian Information Center (Centro Multi-Informativo Italiano) | Multiculturalism | “Multicultural story-personal views” |
Mariglen Demiri, Leftist movement “Solidarnost” (Solidarity) | Multiculturalism | “Nationalism in/out of context” – Positive examples of collaboration between Macedonians and Albanians in the first half of the 20th century” |
Marija Milenkovska (Associate professor of Law, Faculty of Security Studies, UKLO Bitola) | Public policy | Freedom of Speech and the European Court of Human Rights: cases and theory, „Секјуритизација и права на малцинства: кога правата се безбедносно прашање„ |
Marija Milenkovska(Associate professor of Law, Faculty of Security Studies, UKLO Bitola) | Public Policy | The right to life (abortion and euthanasia) and the European Court of Human Rights: cases and theory |
Marija Nashokovska, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator (USAID Civil Society Project) | Public policy | “Public Policy – monitoring and evaluation” |
Marija Risteska, PhD. | Public policy | Setting the ground rules; public policy and methodology |
Marija Risteska, PhD. | Public policy | “Policy research and analysis” |
Marija Risteska, PhD. | Public policy | Public policy and public value |
Marija Risteska, PhD. | Public policy | “Management of Cultural Policies in public administration” |
Marina Andeva, PhD. | Multiculturalism | “Territorial accommodation of minority groups: Тhe case of South Tirol” |
Marjan Gjurovski, Professor at Faculty of Security, UKLO | Public Policy | "Contemporary conceptual approaches to developing security policy in the Republic of Macedonia" |
Marjan Petreski, Prof. | Public policy | “A New Perspective on the Monetary Policy in Macedonia: The New Keynesian Model” |
Marjan Petreski, Prof. D-r, Vice-Rector for Research, School of Business Economics and Management (University American College – Skopje | Public policy | “What type of economic policies for sustainable economic growth are needed in Macedonia? Short versus long term” |
Mark Venezia, Mr., Head of Global Fixed Income Department (Eaton Vance Investment Managers), Boston, USA | Public policy | “Which public policies work best to tame the financial and economic crisis today” |
Marko Krtolica, assistant professor, Law Faculty, UKIM | Public policy | "Changes of electoral system from 6 to 1 Electoral Unit-possibilities and challenges" |
Marko Savkovic, Program Coordinator at BFPE and RAD Executive Director, Serbia | EU/NATO affairs | “Serbia’s Negotiations with the EU: Getting Down to Things that Matter” |
Marko Zvrlevski, Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Macedonia | Public policy | “Public Prosecution in the state bodies of the Republic of Macedonia and the role of the public prosecutor in the Criminal Procedure Law” |
Martina Smilevska, Macedonian Young Lawyers Association | EU/NATO affairs | “Current EU migration policy reform and its impact” |
Melita Mulic, member of Croatian Parliament as member of the Social Democratic Party | EU/NATO affairs | Panel debate – Title: “EU negotiations – experiences from a member state” |
Mence Hadzi – Kosta Milevska, Economic faculty, Prilep | Public policy | “Monetary Policy and the Legacy of Milton Friedman” |
Mersel Billali, Prof. Adviser to the Prime Minister of the Government | EU/NATO affairs | "Political and Legal Challenges to the EU accession process of Macedonia" |
Metodi Hadzhi Janev, Prof. Dr., Military Academy, Skopje | EU/NATO affairs | “ISAF and Afghanistan” |
Metodi Hadzhi Janev, Prof. Dr., Military Academy, Skopje | EU/NATO affairs | “Ukrainian crisis and NATO enlargement in Western Balkans” |
Metodi Hadzhi Janev, Prof. Dr., Military Academy, Skopje | EU/NATO affairs | “Intelligence-Sharing and Terrorism” |
Metodi Hadzhi Janev, Prof. Dr., Military Academy, Skopje | EU/NATO affairs | “NATO the Western Balkans and the Ukrainian Crisis” |
Metodi Hadzhi Janev, Prof. Military Academy General Mihailo Apostolski”-Skopje | Public policy | "Cyber hybrid threats as a challenge to international law and threat to democratic values" |
Metodija Hadji Janev, Dr., Military Academy | Politics | “Defining Modern Terrorism and the Legal Response to Terrorism” |
Metodija Velevski, (Macedonian Ecological Society) | Public policy | “Are we loosing the National Park Mavrovo? – Real participative democracy or political labyrinth” |
Metodija. A. Koloski, (President of the United Macedonian Diaspora) | Public Policy | "Macedonia today: challenges and opportunities" |
Metodija. A. Koloski, (President of the United Macedonian Diaspora) | Leadership | “Lobbying methods” |
Metodija. A. Koloski, President of the United Macedonian Diaspora | Politics | “The lobbing of the United Macedonian Diaspora for the recognition of Macedonia under its constitutional name” |
Michael Neumayr, (journalist from Graz, Austria covering the Balkans) | EU/NATO affairs | “The economic situation and the EU perspective in Macedonia” |
Miki Velcovski, (PhD Candidate/ Expert on management of cultural policies) | Multiculturalism | POLITICS, PUBLIC AWARENESS, ACCESS and PROMOTION OF THE PROTECTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE” |
Miki Velcovski, (PhD Candidate/ Expert on management of cultural policies) | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism through the prism of history” |
Mile Aleksoski, Colonel (retired) | EU/NATO affairs | NATO and Environmental protection |
Misa Djurkovic, Phd, European Studies Institute, Belgrade | EU/NATO affairs | Serbian experiences with EU enlargement |
Miodrag Labovic, Prof., Faculty of Security | Public policy | Strategy for Reform of the Juridical and Political System of Macedonia |
Miodrag Labovic, Prof., Faculty of Security | Public policy | “Connections and differences between organized crime and terrorism – from theoretical concepts to practical consequences” |
Mirjana Lazarevska Trajkovska, Former Judge at European Court of Human Rights | Public Policy/Multiculturalism | European Court of Human Rights: Topical Cases and Importance for Public Policy in the field of Liberal Multiculturalism |
Mirko Stanic, Mr. , Spokesperson of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) of Montenegro and Secretary to the SDP Parliamentary Group in Assembly of Montenegro | EU/NATO affairs | “EU-Montenegro: Important milestone in accession negotiations” |
Mirushe Hoxha, Prof., St.Cyril and Methodius/State University of Tetovo/ South East European University | EU/NATO affairs | “The threats after Bin Laden” |
Misha Popovikj, Institute for Democracy ‘Societas Civilis’ Skopje | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism and Nationalism” |
Mitko Slaninkoski, M-r | EU/NATO affairs | “The fight against the global terrorism and the protection of human rights and freedoms” |
Mitko B. Panov | Public Policy | Macedonian history and the Agreements with Greece and Bulgaria |
Mladen Momcilovic, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Serbia | Public policy | “Public Policy – monitoring and evaluation” |
Monika Petrushevska, М-r (Ministry for Local Self Government) | Public policy | “Regional development” |
Mukrem Mehmedi, Mayor of Mavrovo and Rostusha municipality | Multicultiralism | “Coexistence between the people in ethnically and religiously mixed areas” |
N | ||
Naim Rashiti, (Pristina, Kosovo), Balkans Analyst at International Crisis Group | Multiculturalism | “Democracy in a Multi-Ethnic Society“ |
Nano Ruzin, Prof. Dr., FON University | EU/NATO affairs | “Smart Defense and NATO of the future” |
Natasha Donevska, M-r, consultant | Multiculturalism | “Cultural heritage and sustainable development” |
Natasha Kandic, human rights activist, regional coordinator of REKOM | Public Policy | "The Berlin Process and reconciliation: the need of establishing REKOM" |
Natasha Kotlar Trajkova, professor, Institute for National History | Public Policy | "Зошто ние Македонските сме одделна нација?-Комисии и процеси„ |
Nazim Rashidi, member of the Management Board of the Macedonian Institute for Media, editor at BBC, service in Albanian language | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism and the media” |
Nebojsa Toleski, (fashion journalist and designer) | Leadership | “Dress code for politicians” |
Neda Korunovska, OSI Macedonia expert | Public policy | “Wall of silence” A Year Later: How the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Character Was Implemented |
Неда Малеска Сачмароска, Executive Director, Center for Change Management (ЦУП) | Public Policy | "Improving employment engagement in public sector as a basis for better policy Making' |
Nedzad Mehmedovic, Program coordinator of the School of Public Policy |Mother Teresa| | Leadership | “Planning of the future activities of the alumni group of the school” |
Nenad Markovikj, PhD, Professor of political science at the University of Cyril and Methodius, Skopje. | Public Policy | "Good governance and informality" |
Nenad Markovikj, PhD, Professor of political science at the University of Cyril and Methodius, Skopje. | Public Policy | "Public administration reforms: experiences from the USA and New Zealand" |
Neža Kogovšek Šalamon Dr., Director of the Peace Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia | Public policy | “The 'Erased' persons in Slovenia” |
Nezhdet Mustafa, Minister in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism, new challenges and issues” |
Nicola Bertolini, Head of Cooperation, Delegation of the European Union in Macedonia | Public Policy | "EU and the democratic challenges for policy making in the Balkan region" |
Nikola Dimitrov, former Minister of Foreign Affairs | Public Policy | Prespa Agreement need or deed? |
Nikola Dujovski, Dean Faculty of Security | Public Policy | Миграциите како глобален процес и предизвик |
Nikola Gjorshoski, PhD candidate, University of Cyril and Methodius | Public Policy | "COUNTERING VIOLENT EXTREMISM IN THE WESTERN BALKANS" |
Nikola Popovski, former Minister of foreign affairs | Public Policy | "The Macedonian foreign policy and EU" |
Nikolina Staleska, M-r (OSCE) | Leadership | “Proactive career building” |
Nora Maliqi, | Politics/public policy | “OFA a challenge or opportunity” |
O | ||
Ognen Antov, producer | Public policy | “Rights of Film workers in Macedonia and the Balkans, watching the documentary film, Who Needs Sleep by Haskell Wexler” |
Oleg Soldatov, Head of the Council of Europe Programme Office in Skopje | Public Policy | The European Court of Human Rights and the Convention System with emphasis on case-law concerning Article 10 of the Convention |
Oliver Andonov, Prof., MIT University – Skopje | Politics | "National interests in the geo-politics of the Balkans" |
Oliver Andonov, Prof. Military Academy General Mihailo Apostolski”-Skopje | Public policy | "Security vs safety, dilemma in the contest of the new threats and challenges for the Balkans" |
OliveraTrajkovska, (journalist) | Politics | “The local elections, the Municipality of Centar and the future of the political scene in Republic of Macedonia” |
P | ||
Pavle Trajanov, MP and president of the | Politics | “The current political issues in Macedonia and the possible ways out of the political crisis” |
Democratic Alliance | ||
Pece Risteski, D-r, Macedonian Hydrometeorological Service | Public policy | “Can we expect floods and other natural disasters in Macedonia” |
Peco Trajkovski, Director, NGO Forum for Security Policy Research Securitas | Public policy | Generation 2.0 (Violent Extremists) |
Pero Dimsoski (Professor, FON University) | Public policy | Public policy and leadership |
Petar Atanasov Prof., Institute for Sociological, Juridical, Political Studies University of Kiril and Metodij | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism in Macedonia” |
Petar Atanasov, Prof., Institute for Sociological, Juridical, Political Studies, University of Kiril and Metodij | Multiculturalism | “Multicultural policies and the role of ethnic political parties: cases of Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania’’ |
Perar Pop Arsov, PhD, Ambassador of Macedonia to the Council of Europe | Public policy | "Council of Europe and Macedonian foreign policy" |
Петар Тодоров, професор од Институтот за национална историја, | Јавна политика | ”Наставата по историја и демократијата, во контекст на европската интеграција |
Plamen Dimitrov Petrov, PhD, Bulgarian Geopolitical Society | Public policy | "Bulgaria and Democratic challenges to the Balkan region and Public Policy" |
Predrag Trpeski, Economic Faculty, UKIM | Public Policy | "Reforms of Tax Systems and Macedonia" |
R | ||
Rabie W. Sedrak, Business Analyst & Immigration Consultant. Founder of BIIP (Balkan's Integration & Immigration Program) | Public policy | Public policy challenges of migration to Europe |
Rabie W. Sedrak (PAR expert) | Public Policy | Reforms of public administration in Western Balkans |
Rade Rajkovcevski, Doc. D-r, Faculty of Security – Skopje | EU/NATO affairs | “The position of the Republic of Macedonia within the European Security Integration” |
Rade Rajkovcevski, Doc. D-r, Faculty of Security – Skopje | Public policy | "How to improve local community management of natural disasters" |
Rade Risteski, Lawyer | Public policy | Free Expression and National Security: New media and the Internet in the Wikileaks era |
Radica Gareva, Dr., Ministry of Defense | Public policy | “Cyber Terrorism” and “The role of Information and Technology in the Fight against Terrorism” |
Ramadan Ilazi, PhD candidate at Dublin University, Kosovo | Public policy | "Kosovo and Democratic challenges to the Balkan region and Public Policy" |
Ridvan Peshkopia, Dean of the College of Sciences and Humanities American University of Tirana | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism from theory to practice” |
Ridvan Peshkopia, Dean of the College of Sciences and Humanities, American University of Tirana | Multiculturalism | “Consociational Theory, EU Eastward Expansion and Eastern European Institutional Reforms: The case of Albania and Macedonia” |
Riste Zmejkoski, Research Analyst at CRPM | Public policy | “Gender sensitive culture in the media” |
Risto Karajkov, Director at Development Solutions – DeSo | EU/NATO affairs | “How to get EU funds?” |
Risto Karajkov, Dr. (Director at Development Solutions – DeSo) | Public policy | “How to get EU funds?” |
Risto Karajkov, Dr., Director at Development Solutions – DeSo | EU/NATO affairs | “EU assistance to the Western Balkans with the focus on Macedonia” |
Risto Karajkov, PhD | Public policy | “Civil Society and Democracy” |
Risto Nikovski, Ambassador | EU/NATO affairs | “Is the Nimitz mediation wasted?” |
Rizvan Sulejmani, | Politics | Ethics and political ideology in Macedonia |
Robert Alagjozovski, expert on management of cultural policies | Public policy/Multiculturalism | “Management of Cultural Policies” |
Robert Kirnag, Dr., Ambassador of Slovakia | EU/NATO affairs | “EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans” |
Rubin Zeman, Prof., Euro-Balkan Institute | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism and minorities” |
Rubin Zemon, Prof., Euro-Balkan Institute | Multiculturalism | ”Macedonian salad-Managing of virtual reality among the image of nation-state, “multiculturalism dream” and bicultural policies” |
Rumen Radev, Captain (N), Chief of the NATO Liaison Office in Skopje | EU/NATO affairs | ”NATO, ISIS and Regional Security” |
Rumyana Kolarova, Prof. University of Kliment Ohridski, Sofia | Public Policy | What should the limits on freedom of expression be? |
Ruzja Smilova, University of Kliment Ohridski, Sofia | EU/NATO affairs | Democracy and the Media in the EU: The Case of Bulgaria |
S | ||
Sadat Inan Ruma, Dr., Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey | Politics | “The role of the international organizations in the world order” |
Sally Roshdy, NGO “One world” in Egypt | Politics | “Arab Spring and Gender” |
Sam Vaknin, Dr., Editor in Chief of “Global Politician” | Public policy | “Why the Constant Failure to Attract FDI to Macedonia?” |
Samet Shabani, Director, Horizon 2020 | Public Policy | "Reintegration policies and CVE" |
Sara Osmani, Consultant | Public policy | "Tools for detection of manifestations of radicalization and violent behaviour in schools and workshop" |
Sasho Ordanovski, political analyst | Politics | “The Macedonian political crisis and possible scenarios” |
Sasho Ordanovski, professor | Politics | "Resolving the political and institutional crisis in the country, and the impact of the “platform of Tirana” on the state-building pillars and inter-ethnic coexistence in Macedonia" |
Sasko Krstevski, director at DPTU “KU.COM” | Public policy | “Digital Direct Democracy” |
Sead Dzhigal, International Balkan University, Center for New Media | Public Policy | "Fake news, social media and politics" |
Sébastien Botreau-Bonneterre, Institutional Cooperation Attaché at the Embassy of France in Macedonia | Multiculturalism | “The right to freedom of expression in Europe |
Sefer Selimi, Director, Democracy Lab | Public Policy | "Opportunities for PVE: insights from the field" |
Simonida Kacarska, PhD, Director of European Policy Institute | Public Policy | "The Macedonian Saga with the EU enlargement" |
Simonida Kacarska, PhD, Director of European Policy Institute | Public Policy | „EU Progress Reports and Macedonia- what, why, and how?" |
Sinisha Aleksoski, Adviser on Security to the President of the Republic of Macedonia, Gjorgje Ivanov | Public Policy | "The refugee/migrant crisis and the policy response of Macedonia" |
Slavko Angelevski, Prof. Dr., Military Academy | EU/NATO affairs | “Missile Defense and NATO” |
Slobodan Casule, former Minister of Foreign Affairs | EU/NATO affairs | “EU integration and Macedonia possibilities and challenges” |
Sofija Grandakovska D-r | Multiculturalism | “Deportation Of Jews From Macedonia As Res Nullius” |
Spire Arsov, (Msc, China Agriculture University, Beijing) | Public policy | “China’s Development – Distinction between Urban and Rural Development” |
Spyros Sofos, Prof. D-r, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, of Lund University, Sweden | EU/NATO affairs | “Analysis of the European Parliament elections (2014) in Greece and the result of Syriza” |
Stefan Buzarovski, Dr. (University of Birmingham, UK) | Public policy | “Public policy in environment and energetics” |
Stefan Vlahov – Micov, Prof. Dr. (Institute of National History) | Politics | “Historical dilemmas and options for the future” |
Stefan Vlahov-Micov, Prof. D-r, Institute of National History | Politics | “The Name is Our Fatherland” |
Stefano Sgobba, Italy (Delegation of the European Union) | Public policy | “Non-discrimination” |
Stevan Gajic, Ph.D. Serbia, (Institute for European Studies) | Public policy | Serbian Experiences to the Democratic challenges to the Balkan region and Public Policy |
Stevcho Jakimovski (Mayor of Karposh municipality) | Public policy | Public policy and politics in Macedonia |
Stojan Slaveski, Prof. Dr., European University Skopje/ President of Marshall Center Alumni Association in Macedonia | Multiculturalism | “Multiculturalism in the Republic of Macedonia” |
Stojan Slaveski, Prof., European University | Multiculturalism | “Macedonian model of ethnic conflict regulation” |
Stojan Slaveski, Prof., European University Skopje | Public policy | “Role of International Organization in Fighting Terrorism and Organized Crime/ “Interagency cooperation in the Republic of Macedonia and fight against terrorism and organized crime” |
Stojan Slaveski, Prof., European University Skopje | EU/NATO affairs | “Regional Security Threats Challenges and Opportunities” |
Stojan Slaveski, Director of the Directorate for Security of Classified Information. | Public policy | "Management of Classified Information" |
T | ||
Tamara Dimitrijevska, M-r, Project coordinator at CRPM | Public policy | “Gender equality in labor relations: stereotypes, truths and mechanisms for protection” |
Prof. Tamara Dimitrijevska Markoski, Mississippi State University | Public Policy | "Program Evaluation and Policy Analysis" |
Tanja Karakamisheva, Prof. D-r, Faculty of Law ”Iustinianus Primus” – Skopje | Politics | “The case “Puch” and the possible ways out of the political crisis” |
Tanja Tomic, MP | Public policy | “Public Policy: Local vs. Central Government” |
Tanja Tomic, MP | Public policy | "Management of human resources in political parties/Менаџмент на човечки ресурси во политички партии" |
Tatiana Burudzieva Dr., lecturer St. Climent Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria | Politics | Political Marketing and Ethics |
Teodora Angelova, European Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria | Politics | “Election campaigns: an insight from a Balkan country” |
Todor Cepreganov, Prof. Dr. | Politics | “Was there Macedonian rebellion before 11.10.1941” and “Macedonia between 2nd August 1944 – December 1944” |
Tome Bukleski – Makjuli (President of Presidency of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia) | Public policy | “Public policy in practice experiences and lessons learned” |
Tome Gushev, ( M.P.P ) | Public policy | “Policy networks and public policy research – advantages and disadvantages” |
Tome Sekerdziev, M-r, National Rule of Law Officer, OSCE Mission Skopje | Multiculturalism | “Hitchhiker’s Guide through the hatred: Am I Charlie?” |
Tomislav Ortakovski, (POLIO PLUS) | Public policy | “Employment opportunities for disabled persons” |
Toni Naunovski, Prof. Dr. (MIT University) | Politics | “Ohrid Framework Agreement – should it be revised?” |
Toni Ristov, Democratic Renewal of Macedonia (DOM) | EU/NATO affairs | “The ecological threats for the geopolitical position of South East Europe” |
Toni Ristov, Democratic Renewal of Macedonia (DOM) | EU/NATO affairs | “The ecological threats for the geopolitical position of South East Europe” |
V | ||
Vasil Petrushevski, Aquaponika | Public Policy | Challenges to social entrepreneurship in Macedonia |
Vasil Stamboliski, PhD | Public policy | „Проблеми со одливот на стручни кадри (мајстори) од Македонија и политики за нивно задржување и враќање назад |
Vedrana Gujić, currently works as an Advisor in the Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia | EU/NATO affairs | “EU negotiations – experiences from a member state” |
Vele Samak, minister for foreign direct investement | Public Policy | Strategic Negotiations |
Veli Kreci, Prof., Public Administration and Political Sciences, Southeast European University | Public policy/multiculturalism | Nation-building / nation branding in Macedonia |
Velimir Delovski | Public Policy | European Court of Human Rights and the rule of law in Macedonia |
Veronika Efremova, Dr., GIZ Open Regional Fund for South East Europe -Legal Reform, Country Coordinator | EU/NATO affairs | “Perspectives for Post-Lisbon enlargement and Western Balkan’s challenges” |
Vesna Poposka, MA | Multiculturalism | “Cross -networking as a tool of creating contacts for the common future” |
Vesna Poposka, PhD, Vision University | Public Policy | "Борбата со тероризмот и заштитата на либералните вредности во националните законодавства : анализа на случаи" |
Vesna Shopar, PhD, ISPPI, UKIM | Public policy | Political meddling and Self-censorship (Media ownership, political influences, in[dependence] of public broadcasters and Supervisory boards) |
Vesna Shopar, Prof. UKIM | Public policy | Freedom of expression and its restrictions |
Multiculturalis | Interculturalism in Macedonia | |
Veton Zekoll | ||
Viktor Mizo, was director of the Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones | Public Policy | "FDI’s and Public policy in Macedonia, problems and solutions" |
Viktor Mizo, was director of the Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones | Public Policy | "How do you become a politician, a minister in the government, and what to do about that?" |
Viktorija Cavkovska, D-r, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Politics | "Фрагментираноста на прашањето на сукцесија во меѓународното право низ призма на одговорност на државите." |
Viktorija Cavkovska, D-r, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | EU/NATO affairs | “Policy paper”-as an instrument of the public policy of one member state, Council of Europe |
Viktorija Cavkovska, D-r, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | EU/NATO affairs | “Security in the diplomacy” |
Violeta Ackovska, Prof. D-r, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje | Politics | “Creation of the Contemporary Macedonian State” |
Visar Vishka, (actor) | Multiculturalism | “How can theater and film artists impact on the support of multiculturalism” |
Vishna Shorova-Angelova, Associate for international cooperation, Department for Local economic development, Municipality of Shtip | Public Policy Politics | Challenges to local governance in times of covid-19 |
Vladimir Boshnjakovski, Lawyer | Тековна состојба во израелско-палестинските односи. | |
Vladimir Bozhinovski, Institute for Political Research | Politics | Political Polling |
Vladimir Bozhinovski, Institute for Political Research | Public policy | Political Polling and Ethics |
Владимир Божиновски, проф. Правен факултет, УКИМ | Public policy | „Што ни кажуваа(т) анкетите, за референдумот, изборите, јавното мислење.„ |
Vladimir Chadikovski, D-r, University Clinic for Pediatric Surgery | Public policy | “Cadaveric transplantation in Macedonia – mission possible?” |
Vladimir Lazarevik, D-r (Founder and CEO at | Public policy | “Public Health Policy” |
Vladimir Lazarevik, D-r, Deputy Minister of Health in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia 2006/2008 | Public policy | “The need of reforms in the political parties” |
Vladimir Lazarevik, D-r, Founder and CEO at | Public policy | “Priority setting in health” |
Vladimir Lazarevik,Health Care Consultant at McKinsey | Public policy | Public policies in the Health Sector |
Vladimir Petronijevic, (Executive Direktor – Grupa484), Belgrade, Serbia | Public policy | “Creating public policies – from NGO sector’s and civil servant’s perspective/point of view” |
Vlado Boshnjakovski (Lawyer, expert in Middle East Affairs) | Public policy | Israel and its neighbors- policies for the future |
Vlado Popovski, Prof. Dr. (Member of Skopje City Council, former minister of Defence and former Minister of Justice) | Public Policy | “Policy making in practice – Local, national and international experiences” |
W | ||
Will Bartlett, LSE, UK | Public policy | Twenty years of economic development in Macedonia: issues and challenges |
Y | ||
Ylber Sela, Prof., State University of Tetovo, Law Department | EU/NATO affairs | “The name-dispute. Macedonia’s main handicap towards NATO and EU accession” |
Z | ||
Zarko Kujundziski, M-r (writer) | Leadership | “The story in reality vs. the story in the literature” |
Zdravko Saveski, Doc. Dr. (FON University) | Public policy | “Theory of electoral systems and its application in Macedonia” |
Zdravko Saveski, Doc. Dr. (FON University) | Public policy | “Workers’ rights and the situation in Macedonia” |
Zecir Ramcilovic, MP in the Parliament | Public policy/multiculturalism | "Possibilities for inclusion of the smaller ethnic groups in the Macedonian political system" |
Zhidas Daskalovski, Prof. Dr. | Multiculturalism | “Presentation of the Council of Europe report on “Living together” |
Zhidas Daskalovski, Prof. Dr., Director of the School of Public Policy |Mother Theresa| | Public policy | “Law on public holidays” |
Zhidas Daskalovski, Prof. Dr., Director of the School of Public Policy |Mother Theresa| | Multiculturalism | “Liberal Multiculturalism and current dilemmas” |
Zhidas Daskalovski, Prof. Dr., Director of the School of Public Policy |Mother Teresa| | Public policy | “Public Policy and methodology/ Policy research and analysis” |
Zhivko Belchev, Gazi Baba Council | Public policy | Добро владеење на општинската демократија и граѓанското учество на ниво на локална самоуправа |
Zlatko Jankovski, (Pavel Shatev Institute) | Politics | “Election polls and predictions” |
Zlatko Jankovski (Secretariat for European Affairs) | Public Policy | "Current state of affairs in the EU enlargement process" |
Zlatko Simonovski, (CRPM) | Public Policy | „Challenges on the road to improving energy efficiency and healthy living environment" |
Zlatko Simonovski, (CRPM) | Public Policy | "Challenges in the EU accession process for the Republic of Macedonia regarding chapters 15 and 27" |
Zoltan Horvath, Hungary, Head of the EU Department of the Hungarian Parliament, project Leader of the IPA-TAP Project (Technical Assistance to the Macedonian Parliament), Author of the Handbook on the European Union | EU/NATO affairs | “EU accession process and the role of National Parliament” |
Zoran Sapuric, Dr., Professor, American College Skopje | EU/NATO affairs | “EU enlargement and liberal values” |
Зоран Дабиќ, амбасадор | Public Policy | “Кариера на дипломат – во служба на Република Македонија во мултилатералните форуми.” |
„ | ||
Зоран Настески, Inception Enterprises | Public Policy | |
Јавните политики и претприемништвото- сторија на успех.„ | ||
Zvezda Vankova, Migration Policy Group | EU/NATO affairs | “Current EU migration policy reform and its impact” |
Зоран Дранговски претседател на Македонското здружение на млади правници | Public Policy | "Бегалци и мигранти-кампови и политики." |
Zvonko Jankulovski, Rector of MIT Univerzitet | Public Policy | Значењето на темата човекови права, механизми за нивна заштита, ЕКЧП и Судот во Стразбур. |