Social entrepreneurship

About the project

The number of CSOs in Macedonia and the Western Balkans is constantly growing. Financial resources for CSO operation are scarce because of economic situation and withdrawal of many donoragencies, which is especially dangerous for grassroots organizations. It is increasingly difficult to sustain positive impact of CSOs’ activities and support to most vulnerable population, and therefore very much needed use of innovative approaches and use of local resources.  

Research made by IPSOS reveals that percentage of self-financing in total budget of CSOs is very low. To this end CRPM launched the Smart start hub which is providing capacity building and financial support to develop social entrepreneurship programs in nonprofits. Hence cooperating with the Smart start hub CSOs advance their (a) financial sustainability and (b) revenue-generation. 

The Smart Start Hub is a support center that provides on-hand and long-term help in establishing and developing social enterprises by CSOs. It offers number of support programs such as trainings, competitions, workshops and emerging funding opportunities that is expected to influence on the growing interest from CSOs to start economic activity on the basis of social entrepreneurship and innovation. 

Despite the numerous support programs, it is possible to say that social entrepreneurship is still in a nascent stage. Social enterprises do have a lot of potentials for development, but main obstacles are lack of awareness on social entrepreneurship (SE) benefits for the society by government and CSOs, and low level of entrepreneurial skills and thinking among CSOs, which are the main drivers of SE in many countries. 

Therefore, CRPM has established the Smart start school. Within the Smart Start School the CSOs complete an assessment and receive a summary report via email. The results will give them an overview of where organization is now and will establish what areas would be most useful/urgent to focus on. In addition, self-assessment in area of entrepreneurial capacities would enable CSOs to start thinking on new challenges and new skills needed in ever changing environment for CSO work. Secondly the Smart start school offers capacity building for social entrepreneurship encompassing six modules: introduction to social entrepreneurship, business planning; marketing; branding and communication of a business idea to customers. The training is delivered within 6 months (1 module per month).

Donor: EU.

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6
Introduction to social entrepreneurship
Business planning
Design thinking
Finalization of business plans
Political, legal models of SE
Structure of business plan
Market research
Problem solving
Communication of business idea
Financial models of SE
Value propositions
Pricing of products
Visualization, mapping, and storytelling
Selling methods
Pitching business ideas