Riste Zmejkoski holds BA in political science, from the University St. Cyril and Methodius, Department of Political Science at the Faculty of Law “Justinian Prima” from Skopje, Macedonia. He is working for the Centre since January 2008. Apart from the official research and analytical tasks, he is official responsible person for communication and organizational issues.
Riste has strong professional experience in media before joining the Center. Within CRPM his professional experience, besides the communication, publishing and advocacy tasks, is based on several research and analytical projects. He is author and co-author of various articles, analysis and manuals that the Center has been published during the last period. Recently he is actively involved in new media and advocacy promotion of the Center.
He has attended to various trainings in media and communication, international seminars and conferences, and schools for political science students and researchers.
Email: zmejkoski@crpm.org.mk
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