Lulzim Selami
Education: MA Political Science
Assistant at FON University in Skopje
Toshe Zafirov
Education: MA Political Science
Deputy Secretary General at the President’s Office (president Stevo Pendarovski). Former Program Director and Project coordinator in the “Progress” Institute
Lindita Redjepi
Education: MA International Relations and Conflict Managements
Program Manager at American Peace Corps
Oliver Stanoeski
Mr. Oliver Stanoeski has a PhD from the University “Ss.Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute for security, defense and peace studies. He works at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and was involved in the RECOM initiative as a local advocate.
| Resume | CV |
Lindita Shakiri Atanasova
Education: Engineer of Metallurgy;
MA International Relations and Diplomacy
Technical Director of the PE ‘’Vodovod I Kanalizacija’’ Skopje (PE
‘’Water supply and sewerage’’ Skopje),
Natasa Donevska
Education: PhD in Environmental and Climate Policy, MA International Cooperation and Development; Master at Human resource management
Technische Universität München |· School of Governance – Chair for Environmental and Climate Change Policy
Diogen Hadzi-Kosta Milevski
Education: Ph.D. Public Administration
Assistant at Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies (FICT)
Darko Pavlovski
Education: Master of Public International Law
National Legal Officer at Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Mission to Skopje
Nenad Zlatanovikj
Education: Internal medicine specialist- subspecialist- cardiologist, Master in Medical Science
Manager/Specialist in internal medicine-subspecialist in Cardiology
Kaltrina Zekoli Shaqiri
Education: PhD
Associate Professor at University of Mother Teresa, Skopje
Burim Latifi
Education: Master of Corporate Finances and Banking
Adviser to the Mayor of the Municipality of Chair, Macedonian Adviser at the Department of Finance and Administration, Air Navigation M-NAV, former Adviser of the Minister of Economy
Dragana Bukilica
Education: Master’s degree in International Marketing Management
Expert Advisor for planning and analysis, human resources and PR at the Clinical Center in Skopje and PR of the National Economic Chamber of Toursim
Katerina Todorovska-Hummler
Education: Universität Hamburg / University of Hamburg
MA in European Studies
Legal Assistant at European Patent Office, former Lawyer at the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights
Stevo Bajdeski
Education: Master of Peace and Development
Head of Finance
Kaktus Group Doo, Bee Creative Solutions
Afrim Bakiu
Education: Philologist
English language teacher
Tome Gusev
Education: MA Applied Politics
Advisor on Legislative and Political Education, Parliamentary Institute
Gorazd Milosovski
Education: Graduate of Political Studies
Director Of Operations Force Transportation INC
Biljana Avramovska
Education: Master of International and European Security
Councilor in the Ministry of Defense
Betijan Kitev
Education: Master of Political Science
MP, Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, Councilor in the Municipality of
Marija Tegovska
Education: MA International Relations
PR adviser at Ministry of Information Society and Administration, former Political Analyst and Journalist
CIVIL- Center for Freedom
Comments by Participants
“The experience with the School of Public Policy is a special pleasure and spiritual enrichment because it gives opportunity to have open and constructive debates on different topics in the society and also, to meet and socialize with people from the intellectual elite in the country and beyond”
Darko Pavlovski (Lawyer to the European Court of Human rights in Strasbourg, France)
“School of Public Policy Mother Teresa is a great networking opportunity for civic activists of all generations in Macedonia by creating a forum to exchange ideas and opinions about current, past and future challenges of our society. This school is a rare opportunity for consideration of the domestic social problems in an international context, and the opening scene of the international issues that have an impact on domestic social trends “
Katerina Todorovska ( MA European Studies at the University of Hamburg, Germany)
“Unforgettable experience accompanied by moments of professionalism and friendship with a group of promising young people, future leaders in their fields. Professional debates, acquired new skills in the process of reproduction public policies, and mutual exchange of views on given issues, is a solid foundation upon which this school is building its future and promote the future of its participants. “
Oliver Stanoeski (Ph.D. and an associate of the Institute for Security, Defence and Peace at the Faculty of Philosophy)
“Participation in the School of Public Policy” Mother Teresa “is a very positive experience because through organized lectures from renowned lecturers, it gives the opportunity to meet and deepen the knowledge of current issues of domestic and international politics. The quality and reputation of the school speaks mostly by the fact that it is supported and funded by the Council of Europe. One of the most important things in the participation of this school is the wonderful atmosphere for work that presents a good foundation for acquisition of new honest friendships that will continue to be further maintained. Eventually, I would like to extend my gratitude to the organizing team for their professional spirit but also comradely attitude towards all participants in the first generation of school. “
Lindita Sakiri Atanasova (Municipality of Aerodrom Advisor).
“I thank the CRPM for the wonderful experience the School of Public Policy “Mother Teresa ” gave to me. Within the school, I met wonderful young and smart people, created significant contacts, not only in the private sphere but to the professional one as well, with people with whom they collaborate today. It is worth mentioning the session in Strasbourg that makes this school irreplaceable “
Diana Stojanovic Djordjevic (Ph.D., employed at the Institute for Sociological, Political and Legal Research)
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