Capacity development of Informal Green Parliamentary Group in North Macedonian EU-complaint energy and transport goals

About the program

For the period 2021-2027, the European Commission has launched the INTERREG EUROPE Programme, part of the “European Territorial Cooperation” objective. Within that programme, the Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) is Discovery Partner of the project ” Citizen Participation in Biodiversity Governance – CIBioGo“. The project presents an interregional cooperation project for improving nature and biodiversity policies, led by Province of Potenza (IT), with project partners (PP): Harghita County Council (RO), Commonwealth of L’Horta Sud (ES), Vidzeme Planning region (LV), Slovenia Forest Service (SI), BURST Nonprofit Limited Liability Company (HU), Public Service of Wallonia – Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment (Directorate of Nature and Water) (BE), and discovery partners (DP) Cantonal Administration for Civil Protection Middle Bosnia Canton/ Central Bosnia Canton (BA) and Center for Research and Policy Making CRPM Skopje (MK).

Project duration: March 2023 – May 2027

The project is within the framework of the CRPM Sustainable Development Program, sub-program for Biodiversity. Within the framework of the project, we improve regional policy instruments by introducing structured involvement mechanisms for citizens & stakeholders. The interregional learning will lead to identifying best fitting tools & methods of participatory governance in the fields of stakeholder & citizen involvement, conflict resolution, innovative financing schemes, citizen science & monitoring protocols, tailored to the PP regions’ identified biodiversity-related challenges.

The goal of the project is to contribute to the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, that sets out to turn at least 30% of land & seas into coherent and effectively managed protected areas, by creating a multi-stakeholder framework in each region to facilitate sound & widely accepted governance structures for protection of nature & biodiversity.

Specifically, the project contributed to:

  • Integrating ecological corridors as a part of a real trans – European natural network;
  • Safeguarding protected areas and strengthening ecosystem services;
  • Facilitating the disclosure of environmentally – friendly territorial development strategies.

Target group:

  • Policy-owners beyond the regions involved: local/regional/national decision-makers focusing on environmental protection, economic and territorial development;
  • Stakeholders involved in (and external to) the project: national parks, NGOs and interest groups in tourism, hunting, financial investors and institutions
  • The wider public, with a focus on local citizens and landowners- Decision-makers at the EU level.

Final beneficiaries:

  • Decision makers;
  • Stakeholders;
  • General public.

Key activities

The preliminary competence/interest matrix developed during the project’s early phase provided a thematic framework for improving participatory governance. The kick-off meeting launched both the project and its administrative processes. This framework combined six participatory tools/methods with three key governance areas related to biodiversity and nature protection.

The six tools/methods identified were:

  1. Stakeholder consultation
  2. Citizen involvement in decision-making
  3. Conflict resolution among users
  4. Innovative financing for biodiversity
  5. Biodiversity data and citizen science
  6. Decentralized/participatory monitoring

The three governance fields identified were: a) Biodiversity protection and nature conservation b) Ecosystem services development c) Ecotourism promotion

By M4, regional partners (PPs) conducted a comprehensive analysis of their regional biodiversity, identifying areas needing improvement in participatory governance. They established Stakeholder Groups (SGs), initially formed from a preliminary list, and organized an initial meeting to involve stakeholders in the analysis and mapping of existing governance practices (GPs). These GPs were related to biodiversity or other fields and were adopted at the organizational or stakeholder level.

Partners prepared a Joint Publication: Biodiversity Governance Compass containing infographics and explainers on participatory governance processes – that was translated and adapted by PPs and published online.

Project duration: July 2021 – May 2025

The project is within the framework of the CRPM Sustainable Development Program, sub-program for Climate Change. Within the framework of the project, the MPs of the Macedonian Parliament who are members of the Green Parliamentary Group, alongside the respective staff of the Parliamentarian Committees on Economic Affairs, and Transport, Connections and Ecology, are acquainted with the latest developments regarding the Decarbonization pillar of the Green Agenda.

The goal of the project is to create a platform for dialogue and discussion among MPs from the GPG and encouraging a discourse aiming at sensitizing the general public on the benefits of rational use of energy and practicing smart and clean urban mobility.  This project also brings up a regional dimension through the regional exchanges among the GPGs from WB in light of the Sofia Declaration.

Learn more about the project.

There are several Peer-Review visits within the project, that include: Deep dive stakeholder workshops involving experts, on-site analysis of local practices; Thematic workshops led by high level experts at each site, based on the good practice benchmarking developed in S1Actions towards stakeholders / citizens accompanying peer review sessions reflecting various involvement tools and purposes;

The first Peer-Review visit that we attended was held in Bohinj, Slovenia, where our Slovenian partners show-case the Human-Wildlife-Conflict polices and practices, that can be transferred in Macedonia as well, knowing the fact that our current HWC polices are not effective.

The second Peer-Review visit, was organized in Vidzeme Region, Latvia, where our Latvian partners show-cased the citizens science practices and citizens participation in policy shaping, regarding the biodiversity and environmental protection.

After every peer visit, the organizer develops a study visit report on expert recommendations and adaptable solutions to be disseminated with the local stakeholders.

Project duration: July 2022 – August 2022

The project is within the framework of the CRPM Sustainable Development Program, sub-program for climate change and urban mobility. Within the framework of the project, a behavioral change experiment was made to shift peoples’ daily habits of commuting into healthier and more environmental friendly using bikes and walking short distances.

The goal of the project, regarding fluctuating urban mobility, was to encourage and motivate individuals (aged 18 – 65) to practice efficient mobility i.e. to walk or to use pedal or/electric bicycles, whilst altering their daily activity patterns in terms of costs, energy and environmental conservation.

Stakeholders meetings are held in each region following the Peer-Review visits to inform stakeholders about findings of the interregional learning and collect their feedback as recommendations for the policy instrument improvements. In Macedonia, we held two stakeholder meetings, with the Macedonian Ecological Society and MPs from the Green Parliamentarian Group, to explore the possibilities of improving the national HWC framework, with focus on the National Parks in the country.

The first Peer-Review visit that we attended was held in Bohinj, Slovenia, where our Slovenian partners show-case the Human-Wildlife-Conflict polices and practices, that can be transferred in Macedonia as well, knowing the fact that our current HWC polices are not effective.

The second Peer-Review visit, was organized in Vidzeme Region, Latvia, where our Latvian partners show-cased the citizens science practices and citizens participation in policy shaping, regarding the biodiversity and environmental protection.

After every peer visit, the organizer develops a study visit report on expert recommendations and adaptable solutions to be disseminated with the local stakeholders.

Project duration: July 2022 – August 2022

The project is within the framework of the CRPM Sustainable Development Program, sub-program for climate change and urban mobility. Within the framework of the project, a behavioral change experiment was made to shift peoples’ daily habits of commuting into healthier and more environmental friendly using bikes and walking short distances.

The goal of the project, regarding fluctuating urban mobility, was to encourage and motivate individuals (aged 18 – 65) to practice efficient mobility i.e. to walk or to use pedal or/electric bicycles, whilst altering their daily activity patterns in terms of costs, energy and environmental conservation.

Media coverage and photo&video documentation of peer-review visits is organised by hosting partner, that are translated by each partner and used by other PPs for wider outreach and to feed final project video. Hosting PPs is organising the awareness raising demo actions with oversight of the LP also prepare communication campaigns related to the action. Other PPs also publish these actions and their results through social media, e.g. on Instagram, by short educational material posts, updates, voting options, possibly ‘takeovers’ by partners and/or stakeholders. There is strong SM campaign on the project activities, project poster and project youtube channe.