Young Man Initiative Training of Trainers in Veles

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From 13 to 15th of February 2024 we implemented the Training of Trainers in Veles, Macedonia. In partnership with CARE International and SIT – Center for Counseling, Social Services and Research we trained 20 young representatives from the partner organizations Mladite Mozhat – Youth Can, Organized Youth Association, Association Kreaktiv / Mladinska Asocijacija Kreaktiv Kavadarci, Foundation for Development of the Local Community – Shtip and Zdruzenie Akva.

We have covered topics from Program M – working with men and boys to challenge gender inequities can have a positive impact on the health and well-being of women and girls, there is also an increased understanding of how rigid ideals of gender and masculinities can also lead to specific vulnerabilities among men and boys and Program Y – focused on transforming the school environment to one that supports and nurtures gender equality and promotes a culture of non-violence. With the knowledge gained the peer educators from youth CSOs will be conducting the workshops in their local communities.

The educators improved their presentation skills, deepened their knowledge of peer violence prevention, labeling and harmful consequences of alcohol and drug use. The same topics will be part of their future workshops with high school students which will take part in the schools or in the youth centers. On the last day of the training, the Ambassador from the Embassy of the Netherlands visited us and he even took an active part in the session where the peer-educators implemented workshops.

At the end of the training, the Ambassador gave certificates to the participants for finishing the Training of Trainers successfully.


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