In the Summer semester of 2023 we continued our work guided by the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) to develop open, tolerant and diverse societies on the principles that are common to our democratic societies.
Lecturers of the Seminar
1. Boro Varoshlija, expert in the field of social security and pension system management with more than twenty years experience in the field. Spoke on “Политики во пензиското и инвалидското осигурување, реформите на пензискиот систем во Македонија и компарација со земјите од регионот и ЕУ“
2. Maja Varoshlija, M.A. in Social Work and Social Policy at the Faculty of Philosophy, within the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, with more than twenty years experience in the field of human trafficking. She discussed the following topic: “Феноменот на трговија со луѓе“ – состојби и интервенции.„
3. Ivana Petrisková, CRPM Project manager, Believer in power of civil society and youth activist from Slovakia. Strategy and Impact Consultant for NGOs and social businesses. Talked about “Think globally, act locally: How ‘Localism’ can build democracy?”
4. Goran Momiroski, editor in chief Zaspij ako mozhesh, talk show, Alfa television, Gave a talk on “Нови методи на контрола на медиумите од страна на политичи субјекти.”
5. Assistant Professor Ivan Ivanov, International Balkan University. He spoke on “Постдемократија, десуверенизација и трансформација на светскиот поредок.”
6. Борис Јосифовски, General secretary of the Cabinet of President of the Republic of Macedonia, Gjorgje Ivanov. Gave a talk on “Светскиот форум за демократија, искуства, предизвици и препораки.”