Spring Semester of School of Public Policy Mother Teresa 2024

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Program for the School of Public Policy Mother Teresa 2024 Spring Seminar at Hotel Garden, Ohrid, and online


The general aim of the School is to have our participants able to influence the policy making process through solid, evidence based, high quality policy analysis thereby working on improving the democratic culture in the country. Democratic laws and institutions can only function effectively when they are based on a culture of democracy. Our students are future leaders of Makedonija. As such they need to have skills and knowledge to enhance the policy making process and work on improving democratic culture. In the Spring Semester of 2024 we will refer our work to the general definition of democracy, encompassing rule of law, civic education, civil society, independent media, culture, and art, touching upon various aspects of society. Democratic change cannot be achieved by the Council of Europe on its own but requires the commitment and action of all of us. The participants of the School are vectors who will reinforce work on democratic institutions and freedoms. Council of Europe could not impose democracy but relies on peer pressure, collective efforts and dedication from visionary individuals. At this seminar we will discuss themes such as  freedom of expression, deliberative democracy, fighting disinformation, corruption, and elections. The primary aim would be to explore how these principles could be used more operationally. This would involve considering how these principles could be implemented, the role of potential partners, the attitude of democratic states and consultation with those involved. We will highlight the importance of resisting populist narratives. In the lectures and the discussions we envision a structured debate on the crucial role of political dialogue across various dimensions and how engaged conversations can facilitate action with different actors of civil society.

Lecturers of the Seminar

  1. Atanas Kirjakovski, International Balkan University
  2. Ivica Bocevski, PhD candidate, and former Ambassador and Vice-Premier
  3. Nenad Markovikj, University of SS. Cyril and Methodius
  4. Karolina Ristova – Aasterud, University of SS. Cyril and Methodius
  5. Deniz Selmani, Institute for Research and Policy Analysis – Romalitico
  6. Marija Milenkovska, professor at University of St. Kliment Ohridski
  7. Jane Trpkovski, Alumnus of the School of Public Policy Mother Teresa



Program for the weekend seminar


Friday (29.3.2024)

15:00 Departure from Skopje

17:30 Arrival in Ohrid, Hotel Garden

18:30 – 20:00 Prof. Ivica Bocevski “The main geostrategic challenges for 2024 for Europe, the enlargement and Macedonia”

20:00-21:00 Dinner

21:00-Free time


Saturday (30.03.2024)

8:00-10.00 Breakfast

10:00 – 11:30 Prof. Nenad Markovikj, “Предизвикот на делиберативната демократија во Македонија”

11.30-12:00 Coffee break

12:00- 14:00 Prof. Karolina Ristova – Aasterud,  “Националните парламенти во ЕУ – положба и функции”

14:00 – 15:30 Lunch

15:30-16:30 Work in Groups

16:30-18:00 Prof. Atanas Kirjakovski, „Евалуациски машини: природата и динамиката на човечките ставови со дискусија околу креирање на јавни политики кои во добар дел подразбираат формирање или менување ставови„

18:00-18:30 Coffee Break

18:30-20:00 Deniz Selmani “Влијанието на вештачката интелегенција врз демократијата”

20:00-End of Day 2, Dinner and Free time


Sunday (31.03.2024)

9:00-10.30 Breakfast

10:30-12:00 Prof. Marija Milenkovska, „Секјуритизација и права на малцинства: кога правата се безбедносно прашање„

12:00-12:30 Coffee Break

12:30-13:30 Jane Trpkovski, “Социјални нееднаквости и одржлив развој на населението„

14:00-15:00 Lunch

15:30-16:00 Evaluations, End of the Seminar

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