Parallel to the capacity building program the Smart start Hub has established a social enterprise support fund for CSOs. The fund invested 60.000 euros in the first two years of operations in 10 CSOs that undergone capacity building program compete for a startup grant based on a fully developed business plan. Successful CSOs in which CRPM has invested the Smart start fund can be found under Smart start portfolio.
These are the achievements made by the 10 sub grantees through the Smart Start fund:
- Humana-S
2. Viktori decorations
3. Lice v lice – Sens
4. Zhabec
5. Therapeutic community “Pokrov”
6. Local development agency – LDA Struga
7. Hub IT
8. Velo center “Pedala”
9. Vinozhito (Rainbow)
10. InnAC (Millennium)