27.03.2013- The Center for Research and Policy Making in cooperation with the Pristina Institute for Political Studies – PIPS has organized joint public debate on Energy Efficiency:
The event was held in Prizren, Kosovo. The topics that were covered were the following:
- Understanding Local and Community Governance of Energy
- Energy Efficiency and best practices at local level
- Encouraging use of renewable sources of energy on local level: policies and institutions
- Energy poverty: policy responses on local level
- Role of AKEE in implementing Energy Efficiency policies at the Local Level
- The Role of Local Institutions in Monitoring of Energy Efficiency Policies
- The role of Civil Society in initiating and implementing Energy Policies
The topics were covered both by Macedonian and Kosovo’s experts. There were 17 participants from Macedonia representing the local government, NGO Sector and the business sector.
The joint event was implemented by GIZ and supported by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung-KAS.