GTIPA Perspectives: Clean / Renewable Energy and Sustainability Innovations

The GTIPA recognizes the role of clean energy and sustainability innovations in producing solutions to some of the most challenging effects of climate change. This report provides GTIPA members’ perspectives on some of the most exciting, innovative clean energy technologies in their countries. The included briefs demonstrate how governments and private entities are fostering transformative innovations in both what is typically thought of as part of the clean energy sector—hydro, wind, solar, and nuclear power—and in seemingly unrelated industries like microbreweries and the production of everyday household products. This volume compiles vignettes from sixteen countries and one region: Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, North Macedonia, Panama, the Philippines, Poland, Taiwan, and the United States, including the San Francisco Bay Area


Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance (GTIPA)

Available in the following language versions:

  • GTIPA Perspectives: Clean / Renewable Energy and Sustainability Innovations