Kick-off meeting, 30 April 2014, Pogradec
A welcome meeting was organized in the municipality of Pogradec with the managing team of the project and the Macedonian guests. Mrs. Valentina Binishi, head of the Urban planning sector, stressed the willingness of the municipality of Pogradec to contribute in this project. The representatives of Bitola and Kicevo municipalities shared their experience on Energy inspections and the regulations that are used in Macedonian municipalities on Energy Efficiency measures.
The Kick-off meeting was held in the City Hall premises in Municipality of Pogradec. The aim of this activity was to bring together all the relevant local stakeholders in the four regions and the presentation of findings of the surveys realized in fours municipalities on the energy consumption. Over 30 local authorities and municipality staff, local business representatives, civil society and media participated in this event.
The opening speeches were addressed by:
Mr. Erjon Tase, Director , Academy of Political Studies,
Mrs. Marija Risteska, Director, Center for Research and Policy Making
Mr. Dritan Hamzallari, deputy mayor of Pogradec
Mr. Valentino Janakievski, Head of Energy efficiency directorate, Municipality of Bitola
Mr. Tino Aleksov, Head of Energy efficiency directorate, Municipality of Kicevo
All of the speakers stressed the importance of this CBC project and the maximum involvement of the local authorities as partners in the organisational and managements of the action.
Through the presentation of the needs Assessment Overview, the two expert Mr. Erind Kraja and Mr. Zlatko Simonovski, discovered the Energy Efficiency Status and the Basis for Intervention. The survey showed the lack of awareness and information on the sustainable use of energy through citizens, business and local administration and also the limited knowledge who or which can assist. Macedonia is already one step forward Albania on the building inspection regulation, an experience who can be shared also in two Albanian regions.
Some of the recommendation from this survey are:
- awareness of local government units to fulfill their obligations determined by the new EE law (control of thermal isolation and their certification)
- promotion of measures for the diversification of utilization of energy in heating and lighting of public sites such as schools, kinder- gardens, etc),
- creation of incentives to support business that respect EE measures (reduction of local taxes, preferential services in construction permits and other licenses etc)
The activity increased the awareness of all local stakeholders on project objectives. A long-term dialogue on the practical implementation of project objectives was established during this event. The discussion among different stakeholders around the current state in the area of energy efficiency and obstacles in its implementation was also ensured. Media showed a great interest on the events and several chronicles were organised in national and local television in both part of the border.