
About the program

Governance assessments have been core of the CRPM program for almost a decade. Since 2010 the organization worked on developing governance assessment methodologies for improvement of service delivery on local level in several areas: education, health, transport, child care and etc. In the same time the organization assessed governance and rule of law on central level and contributed with ideas on how to overcome the ‘capture state’ status of the Balkan states.
The process of governance encompasses the political, social and economic aspects of life, which have an impact on each individual, household, village, region or the nation. Governance involves (1) the State, which is responsible for creating a political, legal and economic environment conducive for building individual capabilities and encouraging private initiative; (2) the civil society, which facilitates the mobilization of public opinion and people’s participation in economic, social and political activities, and (3) the market, which is expected to create opportunities for people. Governance includes therefore the sum of procedures, actions, and entities available to citizens (in order to enable them to conduct numerous operations, such as communicating their concerns, applying their rights, satisfying their duties, and arbitrating their disputes).

Governance methodologies

To foster anticorruption and good governance practices at local level that will enable sustainable environment for social, economic and environmental development, CRPM developed LOTOS that generated data and analysis on corruption on municipal level by piloting systematic review of mechanisms for transparency and accountability at local self-government level (in 26 municipalities).
Donors: EU
Related publication: Local accountability, transparency and responsibility study – CRPM
To foster better education and health service delivery CRPM worked with Global integrity and South-East European University, assessing principles of participation, responsiveness, transparency and accountability being applied on local level management of the sector policies and institutions delivering services. The methodologies were developed to serve as a critical accountability mechanism for variety of stakeholders, citizens and non-state actors, generating information on how to improve the governance system.
Donors: UNDP and World Bank
Publications to be linked:
New Data: Information Access in Health and Education Service Delivery in Macedonia – Global Integrity
To foster better child care, transport and parking services and to improve the way they are delivered and whether they satisfy citizens needs, whether they create public value? CRPM engaged with the JSP Public transport Company, City public parking and the kindergartens from the capital Skopje to increase and strengthen management, operational and technical capacities for delivering effective programs and services to citizens. The project raised awareness on the various transparency and redress mechanisms that exist and promoted ‘champions’ of good governance.

Donor: Swiss Development Cooperation

CRPM developed two governance methodologies applied on central, local level and one on the private sector level:
Indicators for measuring good governance in accession countries – Index of good governance in Macedonia – with a total of eight dimensions of good governance, taking into account the specific competences and modalities assessed the work of Macedonian state institutions- Government, its Ministries, National Agencies and Funds and the Macedonian parliament. Three policy briefs on transparency, participation and accountability; checklist of good governance reforms were produced required for the Macedonian government to pursue before EU accession negotiations commence.
Donors: EFB (European Fund for the Balkans)
CRPM implemented the project “Developing methodology for assessing the rule of law in Macedonia and Kosovo based on CoE’s Checklist” in partnership with the Group for Legal and Political Studies – Pristina and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.  The aim of the project was to assess the current state of affairs regarding the rule of law in Macedonia and Kosovo, for purpose of identifying the main issues and challenges in this area and to contribute towards shaping the agenda for tackling the priorities in the reform process.  The methodology, as stated, is based on the Rule of Law Checklist, developed and adopted by the Venice Commission which is used as a tool for systematic and comprehensive assessment of the fundamental pillars of the rule of law.
Donors: KAS
Publications to be linked: