Generation 2023/2024

Natali Kitanoska

Education: Special education and rehabilitation
PR of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy

Olivera Eftimovska

Founder, Manager, English Teacher and Translator at the Cultural and Educational Center Vortex Art Skopje

For the past 6 years she has been working in the NGO sector as a Project Coordinator and Organizational Development Expert in the field of human rights, gender equality, social entrepreneurship and climate change. She has been engaged in various projects funded by national, EU and other donors and has a wide network of collaborators. Her main focus is organizational strengthening and sustainability of local grass root women's organizations. She believes that Women -led organizations, play a pivotal role in advancing gender equality and realizing the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
She studied at the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski” in Skopje, at the Department of English Language and Literature.

Magdalena Zdraveska holds a Master's Degree in Political Management from the Faculty of Law "Iustinianus Primus" at Ss. "Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje. As a full-time employee in the Agency for Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development she has 10 years of experience in IPARD project management. Also, she is part of the second generation of certified facilitators of the State Election Commission. Currently, she holds the position of President at Local Act, an organization located in Makedonski Brod that focuses on local development initiatives.
Aleksandar Malezanski

Attorney at Law

Еducation: Bachelor of Law at the Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, with passed BAR Exam and extensive professional experience in legal consultancy.

Former volunteer at the Secretariat of European Affairs in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and former Lawyer at the Trpenoski Law Firm, Clinical Hospital ACIBADEM SISTINA Skopje and University Clinic State Cardiosurgery-Skopje.
Katerina Klimovska

Education: Finance and Banking Management

Funds administration officer in Liquidity and Financial Market Division at Komercijalna Bank AD Skopje

She is also President of Ivanov School for Leaders - Alumni Association (ISLAA)
Александра Илиеска е дипломиран студент, отсек политички науки на Меѓународниот балкански универзитет, каде што ја доби титулата најдобар студент во историјата на институцијата. Тековно магистрира на правниот факултет, отсек Меѓународна политика, на истоимениот факултет. Нејзината експертиза во аналитичко истражување, содржинско и академско пишување, како и вешто раководење со тим созреа во текот на двегодишното професионално искуство.
Ana Jovanovska is currently holding the position of CEO and Co-Founder at, where she leads the company's strategic direction, operations and development, dedicated to making a positive and meaningful impact in the labor market. She concurrently works as a Software Engineer with expertise in Python, expanding her technical skills in software development and data science. With academic background in economics, she has actively engaged in numerous research endeavors and policy initiatives aimed at addressing critical economic challenges.
Andrijana Avramoskа, LL.M. in Civil Law – Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University. Currently works in a Law office. Participant in numerous conferences, academies and projects for policy making, especially in the field of gender equality, human rights and social justice.
Hristijan Ilievski

BA in Languages

Founder and Secretary General of the Association for Strategic Cooperation PANTHEON Skopje.
Liljana Jonoski

Education: MA Law Sciences - Business Law, PHD student in International Law and Politics

Executive director of Rural Coalition
Kristijan Dimkov is a student of Sociology enrolled at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. He has participated in multiple student competitions organized by the EMMK (European Movement in Macedonia), schools for political education around Macedonia and is a member of the Faculty of Philosophy student parliament as well as the student representative in the faculties discipline commission. Social justice and student rights activist. Columnist for the electronic publication Antropol, as well as the Movement for Social Justice LENKA. Central committee member of the political party Levica.
Nadica Dimitrovska, Msc Engineer Architect (Architectural Faculty at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius“- Skopje. ) Currently working as an Architect in private sector. Working experience includes 9 years working for the World Best Airline QATAR AIRWAY from which 7 were in Doha-Qatar and has a proven track record of achievements in a multi-national team environment. As well worked in Municipality of Aerodrom as an associate for preparation of documentation for construction in the Department for urbanism and preparation of urban plans. Reliable, hard working, while exhibiting high degree of integrity and accuracy in behavior and interactions. She is a member of Political Academy of Social Democracy -Progress Institute of Social Democracy and Women Activism. Fluently speaks Macedonian, English, Spanish, Turkish and Serbian.
Anisija Mavroska holds a BA in Political Science from the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje. At the moment she is finishing her master’s studies at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” in the field of International relations, European integration, and Diplomacy. Anisija has been a part of numerous local and international schools and projects including the School of Policies organized by the Presidential Center for Political Education, the Academy for Public Policies and the Future is Feminist Programme organized by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation, the School for Young Politicians organized by the Ohrid Institute for Economic Strategies and International Affairs and many others. She currently works in the field of research and data analysis.
Ivan Cvetanovski, is M.Sc. in Strategic and Defence Studies, Institute for Security, Defence and Peace, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" - Skopje. He graduated from the Academy of Computer Networks at the Department of Security Specialists at SEDC. He was special advisor for strategic planning in the Cabinet of the former President of Assembly of Republic of Macedonia. Currently working for the Assembly of Republic of Macedonia. He is also a member of the Management Board of JP Vodovod – Skopje
Viktorija Mitrikeska MA for Human resources management and has wealth of experience in areas such as entrepreneurship, business ethics, innovation at SME and operation, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), strategies for employment and improving labor market, social inclusion of vulnerable groups with solid experience in women empowerment and promoting gender balance/equality in business. She has 12 years proven track in preparation of regional programs and strategies for identifying, promoting, facilitating and generating synergies with government, partners, CSOs, business sector and other stakeholders. Viktorija has demonstrated history of 10 years in delivering trainings as moderator and speaker at conferences, forums, workshops and round tables of international organizations and state institutions on innovative ideas, regional development policies, social agenda, active measures for employment, youth entrepreneurship.
David Saltamarski

Education: Ph.D Student

Employment: Lecturer at Integrated Businees Faculty - Skopje
Viktor Taleski

Education: MA in Public Policy

Јunior associate at State Archives of Macedonia
Jetmir Asani has bachelor in International Communications, he is the President of the Municipality Council of Chair. Cordinator of the Youth of Democratic Movement, ex Cheef of staff of MP Izet Mexhiti, ex Vice President of Youth Forum of DUI.
Laze Jaqimoski, PhD, is the author and/or co-author of a large number of peer-reviewed scientific and professional papers published in reference international scientific journals and international scientific publications that have been presented at international scientific conferences in the country and/or abroad in which he actively participated. Some of the papers have been published in publications that are indexed in Ebsco and the Web of Science.
Jovica Dimitroski. MA in Civil Law and graduate lawyer (Faculty of Law ‘Iustinianus Primus’). I am a human rights advocate, and political activist also which I have many years of experience as member and correlate on different projects which they helped me to build my attitudes. And of course, give me directions. Currently I work at Law Office in Skopje as Associate Attorney. I choice to be part of this school because it will give me more opportunities and choices that only come once, than to cheap new friendships, goals and networks, and also to learn more about our real political system, and how to make bigger political effectiveness in a conditions where we have struggle on civil request and will of creators of policies. I will say quotes of one of the famous ancient philosophers that ‘Policy is skills on dexterity’
Sinan Vejselovski from Skopje, BA economist in the department of Accounting and Auditing of University Sv."Cyril and Methodij" in Skopje, currently student of Master-studies at the Faculty of Law in Skopje for International Relations, European Integration and Diplomacy! Member of the general assembly for youth in the municipality of the City of Skopje, Ex Member of the student assembly at the same time and Ex Member of the discipline committee of the economics faculty Sv"Cyril and Methodij, Member of the Youth forum of the Democratic Union of Integrations and employee of the Ministry of Finance in PIM-Departman Public Investment Management.