Goran Ilikj
Education: Ph.D. Political Science
Dean and Professor in EU Law and Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law at the St. Kliment Ohridski University in Bitola
Jasmina Trajkoska Naumoska
Education: Ph.D. at the Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Science at FON University; Advisor of the Members of the Parliament from PEI, Personal assistant of the President of the Management Board of FON University-Mr. Fijat Canoski.
Ardian Ramadani
Education: MA Diplomacy and Political Science
Translator of Albanian language for the French Embassy, the Head of Protocol, Mr. Ardian Ramadani, French language professor, translator, political analyst and columnist.
Josipa Rizankoska
Education: Ph.D. European and Comparative Politics – University in Siena, Italia
President, Center for Deliberative Democracy- Dialogue (CDDD)
Marijana Todorovska
Education: MA Economical Science
Head of the financial issues department- Secretariat for Legislation in the Government of RM.
Martina Smilevska-Kcheva
Education: Bachelor of Law; MA International Relations- conflict management
Senior Lawyer and Program Manager at Macedonian Young Lawyers Association, freelance content writer.
Miki Milkoski
Education: MA International Law and Relations
Deputy General Secretary of the Parliament of Macedonia, Councilor in the Municipality of Rankovce
Driton Kuci
Education: MA Law Science
Professor at Faculty of Law, State University of Tetovo, former Minister of Economy.
Dragan Ristevski
Education: Journalist
Librarian, former member of the Municipality Council in Bitola
Elida Zulbeari
Education: Journalist
Editor in chief of Portalb, former journalist in the newspaper “Zurnal”
Milan Stefanovski
Education: MA Applied Politics
Employed in the Ministry of Defense of Republic of Macedonia
Vesna Poposka
Education: MA International Law and Relations, Ph.D. International Relations and Security
Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Law at International VISION University former, general secretary VISION
Jeton Krasnikji
Education: Philologist of French language and Literature
Project Officer, Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC), Deputy Chief of Party and Capacity Development Manager at USAID’S CIVIC ENGAGEMENT PROJECT (CEP).
Arta Bojku
Education: MA International Public Law
Civil servant in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Directorate for EU Affairs
Sevda Deari
Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Offenburg, Germany
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Field Of Study International Business Consulting
IT specialist in Hrast Centar, former System Engineer in National Bank of Macedonia
Ivana Dimitrovska(Petrovska)
Education: MA European Studies
Local Government Specialist at UNDP Macedonia, former Director and Project coordinator in ALDA, European Association for Local Democracy
Dragan Tevdovski
Education: Ph.D. Economy
Advisor to Executive Director at International Monetary Fund, Professor at the Faculty of Economy -Skopje, former Minister of Economy of Macedonia
Mitko Slaninkovski
Education: MA Political Science
Area Sales Manager at Lidl Macedonia
Katerina Neshkova
Education: Bachelor of Law
Journalist at TV Sitel, formerly in the daily newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija”
Ivana Kostovska
Education: Media Management MA at University of Westminster in UK
Freelancer, currently for Kosovo 2.0, formerly journalist in the daily newspaper “Dnevnik”
Neshat Azemovski
Education: Bachelor in Mathematics and Science
Program coordinator in Biosphere- Bitola
Vasil Petrusevski
Education: Electronic engineer
Works at Aquaponika, R&D and Production Manager at Biakva Farma, former Manager in the Foundation for economic development- Horizon
Comments by Participants
Being part of the School of Public Policy “Mother Theresa” was an incredible and enriching professional and personal experience for me. It gave me unique chance to meet young leaders with diverse educational and professional background, offering at the same time excellent forum for networking and exchange of experiences and ideas. The participation on the variety of seminars and number of one day events, through which economic, social and political challenges which affect the Macedonian society were openly discussed, was crowned with the opportunity to participate on the Strasbourg World Forum for Democracy organized by the Council of Europe. Thank you CRPM for giving me this irreplaceable opportunity to challenge my perception, knowledge and reality, and above all to meet all these amazing people.
Martina Smilevska, МА
The participation of the School of Public Policy is a truly unique experience for me in many ways. As an academic experience, it treats an extremely wide spectrum of areas. Professionally, it provides an opportunity to build a strong national and international network. Socially and humanly, itrepresents a forum for opposing views of exceptional individuals that upgrade each other. I would especially emphasize the participation of the World Forum for Democracy, as a unique experience and a truly unique concept for society’s return to a true
participatory democracy and the redefinition of the concept of citizenship.
VesnaPoposka, MA
I am honored and satisfied to have participated in the public sessions organized by the school of public policy “Mother Theresa” and CPRM. During these sessions we attained a lot of new knowledge and experiences; we met new friends, and we also showed an example that the young people of our country can cooperate and co-exist very well. Above all we learned to respect diversity, i.e. different opinions given by others. The multiethnic atmosphere and the interaction during the sessions in Macedonia, especially during the sessions in Strasburg, as well as the accompaniment, left an unforgettable impression, and at the same time it provided an excellent experience for all the participants. Lastly I would like to thank the organizing team of the school and the centre for the professionalism, correctness, and due relation towards all the participants, especially towards me.
Ardian RAMADANI, MA (Professor of French language and translator at the French Embassy, as well as proofreader and editor at monthly magazine “The Albanian Voice” in Prishtina, Kosova).
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