Project: Promoting Good Governance and Economic Rights through empowering Macedonian Civil Society to Monitor and Tackle the Hidden Economy in Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo
Financed by the Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD)
Tackling the hidden economy in Macedonia was marked with EIDHR funded project in 2014-2015 that took the first steps in analyzing the dynamics of the phenomenon, tracing past and contemporary research on the topic, and generating policy relevant data, conclusions and recommendations. For the first time in Macedonia, CRPM together with its partners the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD), Bulgaria, applied the Hidden Economy Monitoring System (HEMS) to produce the Hidden Economy Index. The hidden economy index is relates to the taxation system of the country and its misdemeanor policy, the system of social and health care contributions, the labor code and its employment incentives, customs, fiscal discipline etc. If repeated annually the index can offer policy makers, researchers, regulatory institutions and international institutions the tools to evaluate and target particular policies that have a positive or negative effect on the hidden economy.
The Regional Hidden Economy Monitoring (RHEM 2016) primarily funded by the Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD) is an exciting continuation and an upgrade of the previous project adding two more countries that will adopt the HEMS and produce the Hidden Economy Index. Democracy for Development (D4D) and the Institute for Democracy and Meditation (IDM) from Kosovo and Albania respectively, are the local partner implementing the actions of this project in their countries while CRPM will be the project lead and implementing partner in Macedonia.
This first coordinative workshop marks the beginning of the project RHEM 2016 where the project partners discussed the activities clarified the timeline and defined the future tasks and communication plan. Through this and future projects CRPM together with its partners hopes to create an innovative policy ripple in the region and spearhead the development of evidence based policy making in the field of hidden economy while trying to bring together all relevant stakeholders into the consultative and policy making process.