Climate change

About the program

The Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) is actively engaged in advancing the Green Agenda in North Macedonia, focusing on sustainable development and environmental protection. Through evidence-based research, policy advocacy, and capacity-building initiatives, CRPM supports the transition to a green economy.

Key areas of focus include promoting citizenship participation in decision making on environmental topics, circular economy, decarbonization, energy, sustainable transport, waste management, and biodiversity conservation. CRPM collaborates with national and international stakeholders to ensure policies align with the principles of the Green Agenda, fostering economic growth while addressing environmental challenges.

By engaging with policymakers, civil society, and the public, CRPM works to ensure an inclusive and effective green transition for a sustainable future.

About the projects:

Healthy habits for healthy environment

UNDP in collaboration with the Macedonian Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and the City of Skopje is implementing a project Tackling the Air Pollution in the city, Skopje financed by Sweden. Within that project, the project Healthy Habits for Healthy Environment is supported.

The project is within the framework of the CRPM Sustainable Development Program, sub-program for climate change and urban mobility. Within the framework of the project, a behavioral change experiment was made to shift peoples’ daily habits of commuting into healthier and more environmental friendly using bikes and walking short distances.

The goal of the project, regarding fluctuating urban mobility, was to encourage and motivate individuals (aged 18 – 65) to practice efficient mobility i.e. to walk or to use pedal or/electric bicycles, whilst altering their daily activity patterns in terms of costs, energy and environmental conservation.

Donors: UNDP.

I love Skopje green

The City of Skopje, through the sector Education is supporting the implementation of the project I love Skopje green.

The project is within the framework of the CRPM Sustainable Development Program, sub-program for climate change and waste management. Within the framework of the project, youth-eco-activism was promoted and citizens’ engagement in recognizing, reporting and clean-ups are encouraged, focusing on proper bio-waste management (composting) in the high-schools.

The goals of the project are to reach out to citizens through social networks to report existing or new illegal landfills, clean them up through joint actions in which the local community will actively participate, increase awareness and the importance of proper waste management and reuse through an educational/promotional campaign, as well as increase composting capacities in high schools, and thus actively use compost to maintain school greenery.

Donors: The City of Skopje.

Capacity development of Informal Green Parliamentary Group in North Macedonian EU-complaint energy and transport goals

Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) is implementing the project ” Capacity development of Informal Green Parliamentary Group in North Macedonian EU-complaint energy and transport goals“, which is financially supported by the German Federal Government, provided through the Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy, Transport and Climate Protection (ORF-ETC). ORF-ETC is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union, and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

The project is within the framework of the CRPM Sustainable Development Program, sub-program for Climate Change. Within the framework of the project, the MPs of the Macedonian Parliament who are members of the Green Parliamentary Group, alongside the respective staff of the Parliamentarian Committees on Economic Affairs, and Transport, Connections and Ecology, are acquainted with the latest developments regarding the Decarbonization pillar of the Green Agenda.

The goal of the project is to create a platform for dialogue and discussion among MPs from the GPG and encouraging a discourse aiming at sensitizing the general public on the benefits of rational use of energy and practicing smart and clean urban mobility.  This project also brings up a regional dimension through the regional exchanges among the GPGs from WB in light of the Sofia Declaration.

Donors: German Federal Government, provided through the Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy, Transport and Climate Protection (ORF-ETC).

Capacity development of Informal Green Parliamentary Group in North Macedonian EU-complaint energy and transport goals

For the period 2021-2027, the European Commission has launched the INTERREG EUROPE Programme, part of the “European Territorial Cooperation” objective. Within that programme, the Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) is Discovery Partner of the project ” Citizen Participation in Biodiversity Governance – CIBioGo“. The project presents an interregional cooperation project for improving nature and biodiversity policies, led by Province of Potenza (IT), with project partners (PP): Harghita County Council (RO), Commonwealth of L’Horta Sud (ES), Vidzeme Planning region (LV), Slovenia Forest Service (SI), BURST Nonprofit Limited Liability Company (HU), Public Service of Wallonia – Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment (Directorate of Nature and Water) (BE), and discovery partners (DP) Cantonal Administration for Civil Protection Middle Bosnia Canton/ Central Bosnia Canton (BA) and Center for Research and Policy Making CRPM Skopje (MK).

The project is within the framework of the CRPM Sustainable Development Program, sub-program for Biodiversity. Within the framework of the project, we improve regional policy instruments by introducing structured involvement mechanisms for citizens & stakeholders. The interregional learning will lead to identifying best fitting tools & methods of participatory governance in the fields of stakeholder & citizen involvement, conflict resolution, innovative financing schemes, citizen science & monitoring protocols, tailored to the PP regions’ identified biodiversity-related challenges.

The goal of the project is to contribute to the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, that sets out to turn at least 30% of land & seas into coherent and effectively managed protected areas, by creating a multi-stakeholder framework in each region to facilitate sound & widely accepted governance structures for protection of nature & biodiversity.

Donors: The European Commission – INTERREG EUROPE Programme, part of the “European Territorial Cooperation” objective.

Development of an organic waste management in grapes and wine production in Tikveš region

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the private partner Bovin Winery, in cooperation with the Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM), are implementing the project ” Development of an organic waste management in grapes and wine production in Tikveš region”, which is financially supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ).

The project is within the framework of the CRPM Sustainable Development Program, sub-program for the development of a circular economy. Within the framework of the project, a circular business models were developed and piloted, including sharing, processing, reusing and recycling of bio-waste in the long term.

The goal of the project is to create and establish an efficient and sustainable model for bio-waste management (utilization) from wine and grape production in Macedonia. This project engage big and family wineries from the Tikvesh region, local authorities from Demir Kapija, Kavadarci and Negotino, PUCs, several higher education institutions, line ministries, civil society organizations and associations working in the field of ecology and the wine industry.

Donors: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

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