CRPM worked on participatory budgeting and budget monitoring within the Macedonia budget project in the period 2004-2008. We have authored a Citizens guidebook to budgets (available on our web site in Macedonian and Albanian). Trained hundreds of civil society activists, municipal officials and civil servants in central government. We advocated and monitored open budgeting as part of the OBI initiative. Since 2010 we actively developed and applied good governance monitoring indicators frameworks with partners like Global Integrity and OSLO governance centre. We initiated the #opengovermentpartnership in MK in 2011 and facilitated CSO involvement in the process for 5 years. We are proud that the Ministry of finance today published the first ever Citizens budget. Congratulations Dragan Tevdovski and MF team!
Call for Research Advisors – Civic Oversight Capacities for Budget Accountability and Transparency
Under the lead of the Institute for Democracy and Mediation,