Time-frame: 08/2022 – 08/2023
Financed: ADA (87%), SIDA (13%)
Partners: /
Goal of the project: Male youth aged 14-19 hold attitudes and increasingly demonstrate behaviors which support more gender equitable social norms and discourage gender-based violence.
Contact person: Stefanija Zmijanac, zmijanac@crpm.org.mk

During 2022 the Center for Research and Policy Making, in cooperation with CARE International Balkans, started to implement the project “Building healthy lifestyle habits of boys in Gostivar and Gjorce Petrov” with the support of the Netherlands Embassy in Skopje. Known as Young Men Initiative, this project has been successfully implemented in the region and now for the first time commences in Macedonia. The goal of the project is positively to transform the behavior of young men and boys for building tolerant societies and prevent peer and gender-based violence. In this initiative are involved the local government and local civil society organizations, which will mobilize young people aged 14-19 years to determine the priorities and participate in the creation of local policy for young people through educational workshops and campaigns in their community.
The project will improve understanding and awareness of violence as an expected component of Balkan masculinity by male youth participants, build capacities of youth civil society organizations and relevant government institutions, and deliver CARE’s approach by engaging young men and boys’ trough YMI methodology (Young men’s initiative), as youth led gender-based violence (GBV) prevention model.
Organisation of formal meetings in the target municipalities
First activity that has been realized is the establishment of cooperation with two municipalities, Gostivar and Gjorce Petrov. The project activities were presented and concrete activities were discussed. Further, MoUs with both municipalities were developed and signed by the majors. They showed great interest and satisfaction that the implementation of the project activities will be exactly in those municipalities.
Selection of local youth CSOs
We further conducted mapping of the NGOs that can implement the activities on the territory of Gostivar and Gjorce Petrov with a focus on work with youth. A call for applications of NGOs were published during October and after careful evaluation of the submitted applications, two organizations were selected for the implementation of activities on a local level: for Gjorce Petrov Младите Можат – Youth Can, and for Gostivar – Organized Youth Association. In close coordination with CARE partners, in both municipalities it was implemented the Participatory Learning Assessment (PLA) to be determined the specific gender norms and expectations that contribute to violent behavior among young men in North Macedonia. Around 20 high school aged boys participated in the assessment and their views and opinions will serve as a base for creation of PLA report and adaptation of Manual M on national level.
TNA and Organisation of three (3) day ToT
We also set ground for Training for Trainers for Piloting of the Manual M through the realization of 20 peer-to-peer workshops; Adaptation of local youth clubs in the participating municipalities and establishment of “Be a man” clubs in Gostivar and Gjorce Petrov as a safe space for dialogue, critical thinking and raising awareness among young people; result based campaign, and final event that are planned as activities for 2023.
During 2023 we continued with implementation of the project “Building healthy lifestyle habits of boys in Gostivar and Gjorce Petrov” with the support of the Netherlands Embassy in Skopje. The concept of Young Man Initiative has been successfully implemented in the region and throughout the year we managed to adapt and implement in Macedonia. The project improved understanding and awareness of violence as an expected component of Balkan masculinity by male youth participants, build capacities of youth civil society organizations, and deliver CARE’s approach by engaging young men and boys’ trough YMI methodology (Young men’s initiative), as youth led gender-based violence (GBV) prevention model. Within implementing period, we realized the following activities:
• Mapping of local youth civil society organizations – Youth Can from Skopje, Organised Youth Association from Gostivar, that work with young people to implement project activities. Establishing cooperation with professional school services for mobilisation of young high school boys from Gostivar and Gjorche Petrov for their participation in the program.
• As well it was adapted local youth clubs in “Be a man” clubs in Skopje and Gostivar, providing a secure environment for fostering dialogue, critical thinking, and awareness among young individuals. These clubs motivated young men to engage in discussions on subjects relevant to their interests during their leisure time.
• Based on the research findings, the CARE’s “Manual M” was adapted for Macedonian circumstances and a peer education program launched. In the period from March to May, we piloted the “Manual M” – peer education program through the implementation of 40 workshops in Gostivar and Gjorce Petrov. The workshops were carried out with 40 boys aged 15-19 who are involved in an educational process for preparing young people to recognize and understand risks of their behavior, development of their functional knowledge, attitudes and psychosocial skills for their healthy and safer growth.
• During the month of February 2023, a Training of Trainers by CARE experts was held for CRPM and youth staff from partner CSO’s. The TOT was dedicated for practical implementation of Program M by 10 peer educators for the proactive approach during the workshops with the boys.
At the end of the program an evaluation was done and showed that implementation of the M Program gave positive results in terms of the knowledge, attitudes, skills and positive behavior of the boys. It is evident that the program significantly influenced the participants’ attitudes regarding gender roles as well as gender relations. It is also evident that the level of recognition of different forms of violence as well as their knowledge of sexual and reproductive health have been significantly improved.
• Implemented a national youth campaign targeting youth through social media for promotion of non-violent communication, positive masculinity and prevention of peer and gender-based violence.