Healthy habits for healthy environment

About the project

UNDP in collaboration with the Macedonian Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and the City of Skopje is implementing a project Tackling the Air Pollution in the city, Skopje financed by Sweden. Within that project, the project Healthy Habits for Healthy Environment is supported.

Project duration: July 2022 – August 2022

The project is within the framework of the CRPM Sustainable Development Program, sub-program for climate change and urban mobility. Within the framework of the project, a behavioral change experiment was made to shift peoples’ daily habits of commuting into healthier and more environmental friendly using bikes and walking short distances.

The goal of the project, regarding fluctuating urban mobility, was to encourage and motivate individuals (aged 18 – 65) to practice efficient mobility i.e. to walk or to use pedal or/electric bicycles, whilst altering their daily activity patterns in terms of costs, energy and environmental conservation.

Specifically, the project contributed to:

  • To inform and to raise awareness in reducing CO2 emissions by adopting a healthier lifestyle.
  • Increase the level of sports activity among citizens
  • Establish inter-sector cooperation among relevant stakeholders

Target group:

  • Municipality of Aerodrom;
  • Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health;
  • Other relevant public institutions.

Final beneficiaries: Citizens of Municipality of Aerodrom.

Key activities

An online and field research was undertaken, intending to measure social and psychological dimensions of air pollution, i.e. to measure people’s cognizance. Even though our goal was to reach to 200 respondents, it turned out that the citizens from the municipality of Aerodrom were very interested in filling up the questionnaire, so we had 368 respondents in total. The pre research served also to target up to 50 community members (18-64 years of age) to take part of the overall action and to be engaged in the STRAVA community by joining the group challenge. 74 individuals expressed their interest to participate the challenge.  We targeted those with driving license, which regularly use car as transport mean, as well as those that do not use the STRAVA app and invited them to participate the workshops.

Mapped community members were invited to participate the online educative and informative workshops. They learnt about the role of active travel in improving health, such as practicing safe and healthy walking and cycling in urban areas, with the aim to reduce air polluting and improving quality of life. The whole idea of creating STRAVA community (group) and engaging in the STRAVA challenge was presented as well as a guidance on how to install the application, to create a profile and to join the group challenges.

In order to raise awareness of air pollution impacts on health, soft measures were delivered, through the intensive campaign, with the intention to promote and enable an active travel model, thus reducing the demand for vehicle use by altering driver’s attitudes and behaviors. We used the most popular media, such as the CRPMs website, FB profile of CRPM, radio and three billboards in the Municipality of Aerodrom. As for the promotion tools, we developed 3 info graphics, 9 info cards, 1 Newsletter, three different radio commercials, published on most popular radio stations for one month (Radio Bubamara, Radio Lider and Urban Radio). In addition, we developed 1 online banner which was published on Radio Lider website for promotion materials. Moreover, three outdoor billboards with different message were designed. The billboards are placed on the most frequented streets in the Municipality of Aerodrom: Bul. Makedonska Brigada at the corner with str. Nikola Karev, Bul. Kuzman Josifovski – Pity, Bul. Jane Sandanski.

In addition to the above described campaign activities, we have introduced one more activity which included purchase of 10 bicycles and bike parking for the students in the primary school Gjorgija Pulevski in Municipality of Aerodrom (the only school in the City of Skopje with velodrome in the school backyard). With this, we additionally influence behavioral change among the youngest community members.

In addition to the above described campaign activities, we have introduced one more activity which included purchase of 10 bicycles and bike parking for the students in the primary school Gjorgija Pulevski in Municipality of Aerodrom (the only school in the City of Skopje with velodrome in the school backyard). With this, we additionally influence behavioral change among the youngest community members.

The app itself sets monthly challenges, but it allows for setting custom made challenges for groups/communities. We created two separate challenges: CHALLENGE 1 – Cycling on short distances (at least 60 km in the period from 15.08 – 25.08) и CHALLENGE 2 – Walking (at least 18 km in the period from 15.08 – 25.08). The STRAVA app is recording the movements of the challenge group participants. What we were not aware and informed was that the STRAVA app does not allow more than 25 participants in one custom challenge group (even with subscription). The test group members were randomized into two different challenge groups, but taking into account whether they possess bicycle. We followed both test groups in the STRAVA app via GPS. The application itself does statistic calculations, thus after completing the challenges, we had the needed information (who endured, longest distances, location etc. In order to have meaningful participation and endurance till the end of the challenges, the group members were motivated with sport equipment. Only the ones with completed challenges would receive a reward and for the best in their categories, additional reward was mentioned.

In addition to the above described campaign activities, we have introduced one more activity which included purchase of 10 bicycles and bike parking for the students in the primary school Gjorgija Pulevski in Municipality of Aerodrom (the only school in the City of Skopje with velodrome in the school backyard). With this, we additionally influence behavioral change among the youngest community members.

In addition to the above described campaign activities, we have introduced one more activity which included purchase of 10 bicycles and bike parking for the students in the primary school Gjorgija Pulevski in Municipality of Aerodrom (the only school in the City of Skopje with velodrome in the school backyard). With this, we additionally influence behavioral change among the youngest community members.

After the challenges ended, we calculated and examined all distances (to check whether they are in line with the rules we set) and informed the participants of the scoring table. We invited all who successfully finished the challenges including the best 5 women and best 5 men in both categories divided by age (Masters A  (18 – 28) Masters B (29 – 40) Masters C (41 – 50) Masters D (50 – ) 4Masters E ( above 64)), to our office to get their rewards for their efforts and their behavioral changes. They are now community role models which will further share their experience among the community members. All participants received sport equipment for participation worth 3000 MKD and the best pedestrians and cyclists got sport equipment for additional 10.000 MKD. Total of 42 successfully finished the challenges.

In addition to the above described campaign activities, we have introduced one more activity which included purchase of 10 bicycles and bike parking for the students in the primary school Gjorgija Pulevski in Municipality of Aerodrom (the only school in the City of Skopje with velodrome in the school backyard). With this, we additionally influence behavioral change among the youngest community members.

In addition to the above described campaign activities, we have introduced one more activity which included purchase of 10 bicycles and bike parking for the students in the primary school Gjorgija Pulevski in Municipality of Aerodrom (the only school in the City of Skopje with velodrome in the school backyard). With this, we additionally influence behavioral change among the youngest community members.

In order to gain the overall insights of the test group and to evaluate their perceptions and behaviors after the project ends, we launched a follow-up questionnaire. The gathered data allowed us to in-depth understand the changing habits, motivations and expectations of the test group. It also informed us whether the participants will continue the healthy practices after the project ends. Moreover, it gave us information on the needs of the citizens in terms of improving the current state in the municipality in order to increase cycling and walking instead of cars. The results of the follow –up questionnaire are part of the analysis document with recommendations. It will be additionally delivered to the mayor of the municipality of Aerodrom in order to adopt measures in the future municipal’s plans and programs.

In addition to the above described campaign activities, we have introduced one more activity which included purchase of 10 bicycles and bike parking for the students in the primary school Gjorgija Pulevski in Municipality of Aerodrom (the only school in the City of Skopje with velodrome in the school backyard). With this, we additionally influence behavioral change among the youngest community members.

In addition to the above described campaign activities, we have introduced one more activity which included purchase of 10 bicycles and bike parking for the students in the primary school Gjorgija Pulevski in Municipality of Aerodrom (the only school in the City of Skopje with velodrome in the school backyard). With this, we additionally influence behavioral change among the youngest community members.

Within this activity we organized formal meetings and signed MoUs with the Dean Faculty of physical education, sport and health, Lence prof.dr. Lence Aleksovska Velickovska and the Mayor of Municipality of Aerodrom, Timcho Mucunski, both as curtail stakeholders in the community. Their engagement and support had significant impact on the raising awareness component of the project. Moreover, after discussions with the mayor of the municipality of Aerodrom and the director of the primary school “Gjorgija Pulevski”, we proposed purchase of bicycles and parking for the students for the newly renovated velodrome in the school backyard. By doing so, we additionally contribute in achieving the overall goal of the project, by supporting the school with introducing cycling in the educational program.

In addition to the above described campaign activities, we have introduced one more activity which included purchase of 10 bicycles and bike parking for the students in the primary school Gjorgija Pulevski in Municipality of Aerodrom (the only school in the City of Skopje with velodrome in the school backyard). With this, we additionally influence behavioral change among the youngest community members.

In addition to the above described campaign activities, we have introduced one more activity which included purchase of 10 bicycles and bike parking for the students in the primary school Gjorgija Pulevski in Municipality of Aerodrom (the only school in the City of Skopje with velodrome in the school backyard). With this, we additionally influence behavioral change among the youngest community members.