School of Public Policy Mother Theresa
First Session in 2021
Challenges to Public policy making in times of Covid-19
A brief explanation of the rationale, aims, methods, and the participants
During covid-19 times policymakers and the public sector face their biggest test in generations. We ask our lecturers, in fields ranging from local governance to international development, from conflict resolution expert to those dealing with international relations, to tell us how this epochal event has changed the process of policy making in Macedonia and beyond. How to fight best the health, economic, social, and political crises stemming from COVID-19. We aim to discuss these issues at the first weekend session of the School in 2021. The aim is to strengthen the common understanding among the participants and lecturers of the School on the importance of further developing high quality policies in the country. The methods which will be used are round table presentations, debates, and discussions as well as classical lecture followed by questions and answers period. The session was broadcasted online via the Zoom platform. This enabled interested alumni of the School to actively follow and participate with their own views on the matter.
Ohrid 12-14 March, 2020
Day 1: 12th March, 2021
15-18:00 Travel to venue
18:30- 20:00 Ivica Bocevski, Topic: Foreign policy and pandemics

20:00 Dinner
Day 2: 13th March, 2021
10:00-11:00 Kristina Misheva, Topic: Health policy making and covid-19, online
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Gjorgje Ivanov, Topic: World politics in covid-19 times

13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30-17:30 Coffee Break and Free time
17:30-18:30 Anastas Vangeli, Topic: Geopolitics in times of covid-19, online

19:00- 20:00 Iskra Koroveshovska, Topic: Media and covid-19

20:00-21:00 Dinner
Day 3: 14th March, 2021
10:00-11:00 Vishna Shorova-Angelova, Topic: Challenges to local governance in times of covid-19

11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Ida Manton, Topic: International Negotiations in pandemic times, online

13:00-14:30 Lunch and Departure







Ida Manton: Visiting Professor at the University of Economics, Prague (Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze) and International Consultant.
Anastas Vangeli (PhD, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences) is a Research Fellow at the EU*Asia Institute at the ESSCA School of Management, and an Adjunct Professor at ESSCA’s Shanghai Campus.
Vishna Shorova-Angelova, Associate for international cooperation, Department for Local economic development, Municipality of Shtip.
Iskra Koroveshovska, PhD, Head of News Department, Alfa Televizija.
Kristina Misheva, LL.M, PhD, Associate Professor at the Business Law Department at the Faculty of Law at Goce Delchev University.
Ivica Bocevski, diplomat, former Vice Prime Minister and ambassador of Macedonia to Brasil.
Gjorgje Ivanov, PhD, former President of the Republic of Macedonia