One Decade after the Ohrid Framework Agreement: Lessons (to be) Learned from the Macedonian Experience

This book is the result of an international academic conference “One decade after the Ohrid Framework Agreement – Lessons (to be) learned” in Skopje, June 2011. It assembles the papers that have been accepted by the Conference program board and successfully passed a blind peer review process. It looks at the historic perspectives and contexts in which the conflict occurred and the Ohrid Framework Agreement was drafted and enacted. It unpacks the different aspects of the Agreement: the construction of ethnic identities and political belonging to Macedonia of the various ethnic groups after the OFA; the effort to reform the mode of decentralized governance and evaluates the application of the principle for just and equitable representation of minority groups. The book also features papers on the newly emerging identities in the South East European context and discusses the future of Macedonia and the region from the OFA perspective. Finally, it identifies the lessons learned from the OFA, including the experiences of other reconciliation projects in the Western Balkans.


Edited by: Marija Risteska and Zhidas Daskalovski

Available in the following language versions:

  • One Decade after the Ohrid Framework Agreement: Lessons (to be) Learned from the Macedonian Experience