Our Executive Director, Marija Risteska, recently finalized the negotiation with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) for the second phase of the Gender Budget Watchdog Network program, which is co-financed by Sida – Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete.
We are glad to inform that the new program will focus on climate change financing and will involve the CSOs that work on environmental issues and gender equality.
CRPM will lead the program implementation and coordinate the work with 6 partners:
🇦🇱 Gender Alliance for Development Center (GADC)
🇧🇦 Centar za promociju civilnog društva
🇽🇰 Kosova Women’s Network
🇲🇪 Ženska Akcija
🇷🇸 Gender knowledge hub
🇲🇩 Keystone Moldova