Capacity development of Informal Green Parliamentary Group in North Macedonian EU-complaint energy and transport goals

About the project

Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) is implementing the project ” Capacity development of Informal Green Parliamentary Group in North Macedonian EU-complaint energy and transport goals“, which is financially supported by the German Federal Government, provided through the Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy, Transport and Climate Protection (ORF-ETC). ORF-ETC is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union, and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

The project is within the framework of the CRPM Sustainable Development Program, sub-program for Climate Change. Within the framework of the project, the MPs of the Macedonian Parliament who are members of the Green Parliamentary Group, alongside the respective staff of the Parliamentarian Committees on Economic Affairs, and Transport, Connections and Ecology, are acquainted with the latest developments regarding the Decarbonization pillar of the Green Agenda.

The goal of the project is to create a platform for dialogue and discussion among MPs from the GPG and encouraging a discourse aiming at sensitizing the general public on the benefits of rational use of energy and practicing smart and clean urban mobility.  This project also brings up a regional dimension through the regional exchanges among the GPGs from WB in light of the Sofia Declaration.

Project duration:July 2021 – May 2025
Donors: German Federal Government, provided through the Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy, Transport and Climate Protection (ORF-ETC). ORF-ETC is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union, and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Final beneficiaries:
Green Parliamentary Group MP’s;
Relevant Parliamentarian Commissions Administration;
State institutions in charge for energy and transport issues;
Non-governmental organizations;
Decision makers;
General public.

Target groups:

  • Members of Parliament (Commission on Economic Affairs, EU Integration, etc.);

  • Parliamentary staff;

  • Governmental institutions responsible for energy, climate and sustainable mobility (Ministry of Economy, National Energy Agency, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning);

  • Decision makers;

  • Experts in the domain of energy efficiency and urban mobility;

  • NGO’s;

  • Academia;

  • Citizens;

  • Users of public transport services and infrastructure.

Project's contribution

  • Enhancing legislative – executive dialogue on a national level of energy, energy poverty, climate change and transport;
  • Answer why Gender must be central to Climate action and were North Macedonia stands regarding decarbonisation;
  • Positioning Green Group MPs as agents of change and vocal activities who contribute to enhancement of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, focusing on Climate Change, Energy and Mobility;
  • Raising general awareness on individual responsibilities for the green agenda;
  • Practice what is preached – promote healthy habits and urban mobility among MPs;
  • Enhance the regional cooperation among GPGs form the Western Balkans.

Key activities

    1. Regional exchange events, study visits and meetings;

    On 16th of December, 2022 in Holiday Inn meeting room there was a meeting with the MPs. The agenda was composed of short overview on the progress made in 2022 and the focus needed for 2023 in terms of Chapter 15 of the EU’s acquis communautaire delivered by external expert Igor Pancevski, presentation on the modalities how the GPG operates in Serbia, delivered online by BFPE representative Lidija Radulovic and discussion and definition of next steps;


    On 27-27.09.2023, CRPM representative, together with 2 GPG members, Velika Stojkova-Serafimovska, Nenad Kocikj and government staff, Dragan Pulevski attended a Regional Workshop for Green Parliamentary Groups of the Western Balkans Green Agenda: Joint Actions Planning, led by Jasna Sekulovic, ORF-ETC Program Component Manager, in Hotel Avala, Budva, Montenegro. The aim of the workshop was to identify, discuss and agree upon key elements of future Joint Action Plan for Green Agenda Joint Actions of the Western Balkans Green Parliamentary Groups (GPGs).

    On 31.10.2023, CRPM representative, together with MP Velika Stojkova-Serafimova, MP Nenad Kocikj and parliamentary staff, Danco Janevski visited the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat in Belgrade. On this occasion, we were introduced to the Five-year Rolling Work Plan for Development of the Indicative TEN-T Extension of the comprehensive and core network in the Western Balkans as with the Strategy for sustainable development and smart mobility in the Western Balkans.

    On 19th and 20th of August 2024 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Western Balkans Green Parliamentary Groups members attended few events held on 3 different locations, organised in cooperation with Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF) and UNDP Office in Bosnia and Hercegovina, hosted by the parliamentary Green Club from Bosnia and Hercegovina. The Macedonian delegation was consisted of CRPM representative, two MPs, Monika Zajkova and Velika Serafimova, and parliamentary staff Dragan Pulevski.

    Additional events/visits:

    Participation of MP Velika Stojkova Serafimovska at the Kosovo Regional Cooperation on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans in the framework of the Kosovo Sustainable Development Week

    Presence and participation of MP and GPG member Maja Morachanin to the Energy Forum in Ohrid

    Participation of Macedonian MPs Prof. Dr. Gordana Siljanovska Davkova and Dr. Nenad Kocic (both members of GPG and invited on behalf of the project), as well as the secretary of the Parliamentary Committee on financing and budget Dragan Pulevski, at Energy Community’s Parliamentary Plenum and Green Parliamentary Groups from the Western Balkans Workshop in Vienna.

On 17.01.2024, an online workshop for the GPG members was organised to discuss the three main topics regarding the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans: energy efficiency, energy poverty and sustainable transport. The aim of the workshop was to enhance the knowledge and advocacy skills of the GPG from Macedonia regarding the Green Agenda for the Western Balkan, with a specific focus on energy efficiency addressing energy poverty and sustainable transport fostering informed-decision making for a greener and more sustainable future.

Every month, CRPM is communicating with the partnership NGOs working in the field of environmental protection, and together developing questions for the purpose of inspiring GPG members in the so called Q&A Parliamentary session by the end of each month. In that way, we are raising a dialogue in the Parliament related to energy, climate and transport and thus boost the national debate. 

The gender and climate change expert Gordana Nestorovska was engaged to develop a gender-gap analysis and monitoring report of the implementation of the Long-term Strategy for Climate Action and its Action Plan.

The document covers the following topics:

  1. Need of gender gap analysis on climate actions;
  2. Findings of the review of the Long-term Strategy for Climate Action and its Action Plan;
  3. Implementation of the Action plan for climate change;
  4. Findings and conclusions.
  • MP Marija Kostadinova and MP Gordana Siljanovska Davkova joined the event on 22nd of September, 2022 in the municipal premises alongside CRPM project coordinator, GIZ national coordinator as well as excellences from the embassies of Germany, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands.
  • On 22.09.2023 MPs Velika Stojkova-Serafimovska and Gordana Siljanjovska supported the marking of EU Mobility week in Municipality of Veles together with the EU – H.E. David Gere, and representatives from embassies of Sweden, Germany, Poland, People’s Republic of China, Spain, Romania, Serbia, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Republic of Slovenia and other representatives from local and national institutions.
  • On 20th September 2024, CRPM organized an unique event during the EU Mobility Week for the first time as a guided exploration through the Old Town in Skopje, supporting that year’s theme Shared Public Spaces. We explored our shared urban spaces and the rich traditional architecture of Skopje’s historic heard.
  • Macedonian MPs Velika Stojkova Serafimova and Nenad Kocik, shooted a video for regional GPG campaign for promotion of mutual inter-sectorial and regional collaboration.
  • Conducted and edited by professional journalist, 5 audio podcasts with Macedonian member of Parliament – MPs members of the Green Group and experts on topics relevant to the national green agenda are published so far.