From 23 to 28 August 2023, representatives of the Gender Budget Watchdog Network (GBWN) gathered in Chisinau, Moldova with the aim of holding a workshop on network communication strategy.
Many points were found on the agenda, and the entire workshop was led by Dr. Ludmila Malcoci, Keystone’s Director for the CEE region. Initially, a SWOT analysis of communications within the network and external communication was made, during which all representatives of partner organizations had the opportunity to give their opinions on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the network. After this part, the team focused on arranging the mission, vision, and goals of the Gender Budget Watchdog Network.
Another important topic that was part of the workshop was the work on profiling the target groups, audience, users and interest groups within this project and the development of messages used for further communication with them. Following these events, work continued on a closely related topic – determining channels of communication as well as methods for placing messages to our target groups.
The last two days of the workshop were dedicated to discussions on the methodology for gender-responsible monitoring of climate action budgets and discussions on the further potential expansion of the network to new organizations through the use of communication tools.
Between the intensive sessions at the workshop, the team also had the opportunity to visit the most important sights of the Republic of Moldova, its capital city, Chisinau, the wine cellars Milestii Mici and the archaeological site, Orheiul Vechi.
The Project “Strengthening Transparency and Accountability for Gender Equality in the Western Balkans and Moldova Region” (Gender Budget Watchdog Network, Phase 2) is funded by the Austrian Development Agency and the Swedish Agency for International Development and Cooperation. Partners in implementation are Center for Research and Policy Making, Center for Civil Society Promotion, Gender Alliance for Development Centre, Kosovo Women’s Network, Women’s Action, Gender Knowledge Hub and
Keystone Moldova.