Research activities included implementation of two focus groups, the first with the representatives of trade unions and other relevant stakeholders, and the second with representatives of organizations of employers and the economic chamber. Six representatives from the social partners and other relevant stakeholders took part in both discussions. The aim of the focus groups was to examine the level of knowledge and the information of the social partners regarding EU policies in the field of industrial relations, and especially for the European Works Councils. In the data collection phase, it was taken into account that the European Works Councils do not find their application and therefore the questions were aimed at examining the obstacles and limitations that exist in terms of representing workers at the employer level.
In addition, their views on the degree of compliance of domestic legislation with European directives, as well as their involvement in the preparation of legal regulations were examined. A discussion was opened with the participants on identifying barriers to international cooperation between trade unions, and the facilitator provided an incentive for “brainstorming” that will help in finding appropriate solutions to overcome the identified problems.