Call for Papers: Gender-Responsive Budgeting

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Between Desired and Successful Practices of Redistribution of Public Finances at Local, National, and Regional Levels for the Needs of Women and Men

Our aim of the Community of practice is to gather academics, experts, and practitioners of
GRB present and diffuse best GRB practices at local, national, and regional levels in EU and
Western Balkans.

Conference Date: 30-31.05.2024
Location: Skopje, North Macedonia

The community of practice will feature 6 panel discussions. Panels will comprise of minimum
of 4 papers. In addition to panels and papers, individuals can submit proposals for other
formats (roundtable, author meet critics, etc.) that can be organized within the community
of practice.

Application for a paper by 02 May 2024

The conference is organized in collaboration with FON American
university of Europe.

For further information please consult the Call for Papers here.