The project “The economic crisis impact on Industrial relations national systems: Policy responses as key recovery tools” is implemented by CRPM in partnership with Centre of Economic Development from Bulgaria, TEPAV from Turkey, the Institute for applied studies of University of Tartu from Estonia, the Institute for international relations from Croatia and the Institute for Public Affairs from Poland.
Its objectives are to analyze the implications of the global economic crisis on the national industrial relations (focus will be given to employees unions) systems and to introduce effective key recovery tools.
The Macedonian research team in the past three months has conducted rigorous research, analyzed the situation and presented findings in a national report on industrial relations in Macedonia 2012.
The draft version of this report was consulted with relevant stakeholders at a national workshop held in the EU info Centre on June 6th, 2012. The Economic Crisis Impact on Industrial Relations National Systems: Policy Responses as Key Recovery Tools This project is funded by the European Union
The Economic Crisis Impact on Industrial Relations National Systems: Policy Responses as Key Recovery Tools
This project is funded by the European Union