The Center for Research and Policy Making is an organization that has a mission to promote good governance and development in Macedonia on the basis of relevant, evidence based policy research, capacity building and trainings, evaluations, analyses and surveys, without regard to and independently of the particular interests of any group of the society, either political, social or economic.
CRPM background
Founded in 2004 under the Macedonian law as a “civic association” (or an NGO) the Center for Research and Policy Making- CRPM engages in policy analysis, seeking to open the policy making process to citizens, improve laws., assess institutional capacities for their implementation as well as monitor and evaluate how much these policies are creating public value or are directed towards the “Europeanization” of Macedonia.
We also deliver trainings, make evaluations of donor programs in Macedonia and the region and conduct surveys of public opinion. CRPM regularly organizes forums, roundtables, and debates offering to policy makers “just-in-time” policy recommendations that are product of comprehensive policy research, well argued and focused on Government actions on policy issues subject to the CRPM’s research interest. The research activities and analysis of CRPM’s team are followed with advocacy efforts that are fully aligned with the communication and advocacy strategy of the organization. Some of our policy proposals are being accepted by the government, while others, although there is an intense public discussion, are not. By many indicators such as policy impact or media appearances and commentaries, today CRPM is the leading Macedonian think tank. Where we stand today, however, is a result of a permanent and painstaking effort resulting in continuous growth.
Core Purpose
To promote good governance and development in Macedonia on the basis of relevant, evidence based policy research, capacity building and trainings, evaluations, analyses, without regard to and independently of the particular interests of any group of the society, either political, social or economic.
CRPM Core Values
CRPM’s core values, the essential and enduring tenets, are: being a pioneer in detecting important deficiencies in the functioning of the society and the public policies, providing policy advice through cutting edge research and analysis, and seeking policy changes in relevant areas, based on hard team work and individual productivity.
CRPM Vision
CRPM’s envisioned future is to become the biggest most influential Balkan think tank offering sound analysis and advice and influencing the policy agenda of Macedonia and the Southeast European region in various areas, offering abundance of research resources (data bases; books; articles; papers; internet based resources and other logistical support) to individual researchers, professionals, journalist, students, civil society organizations and interested parties.
No important national or regional policy issues will be discussed without CRPM experts taking part in the debate offering analysis on the issue. CRPM will be sought to provide policy advice by governments, civil society organizations and private companies. We believe that CRPM research work carried on with patience and persistence will bring new life to public policy, good governance will be advanced, knowledge increased, and human life improved. We will be respected and admired by our peers and academics. Our analyses and policy solutions will be actively sought by governments and companies. Management gurus will use CRPM as an example of excellent management and progressive thinking. The best up-and-coming people in the academic world will seek to cooperate with our think tank. Employed staff will give unsolicited feedback that they love what they are doing. They will willingly work hard because they will feel that our think tank contributes to their and the society’s life in a positive way.
CRPM Staff and Management
Center for Research and Policy Making has been formed by a multi-disciplinary team bringing together people with different backgrounds and professional and research interests, and includes considerable experience of the way the Macedonian policy process works.
The CRPM members are specialized in project management and policy research and analysis, training and capacity building, and policy advice…
CRPM Strategic Advisory Board
CRPM International Advisory Board
CRPM Supporters and Partners
We depend on the financial support of different institutions to carry out our projects. Once ready all our analyses and papers are offered on our web site. Seeking to develop a common vocabulary, CRPM promotes discussion and debate among the policy community. CRPM’s efforts depend on the contributions of governments, corporations and private individuals to fund its activities. In order to continue doing policy analysis and strengthen our assistance to Macedonian policy makers on various complicated issues facing this country we will need continuous financial support from existent and new supporters. Therefore, we hope that in the future our list of partners and supporters will grow.
Open Society Institute, The Balkan Trust for Democracy, The Olof Palme International Center, Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia, Freedom House, The Global Task Force on Building Women Leaders, European Stability Initiative, Local Government and Public Service Initiative, Libertas, Southeast European Politics, Europe’s World, Policy Association for an Open Society, East West Institute, The World Bank, DiFi Norway, GIZ, United Nation Development Fund for Women, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Kondrad Adenauer Stiftung, Swiss Development Cooperation, The International Budget Project, Institute for Sustainable Communities, USAID, UNDP, European Agency for Reconstruction, European Commission, UNICEF, Ministry of Health of Republic of Macedonia, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Republic of Macedonia, Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Macedonia, Municipality of Gostivar, Municipality of Delcevo, Municipality of Shtip, Albanian Institute for International Studies, EDAM, IOM, ISP, Providus, Forum za etnicke odnose, Kosovo youth network, Evropska inicijativa Nis, Institute for European Policy, Group 484, Oxford Policy Management, D4D, IDM, Institute for Public Administration Dublin, BFPE, DOOR, European Institute, CEMI, CEDEM, Institute for Statistics and Prognosis, The Global Integrity, The Bertelssman Foundation
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