We depend on the financial support of different institutions to carry out our projects. Once ready, all our analysis and publications are offered on our web site. Seeking to develop a common vocabulary, CRPM promotes discussion and debate among the policy community. CRPM’s efforts depend on the contributions of governments, corporations and private individuals to fund its activities. In order to continue doing policy analysis and strengthen our assistance to Macedonian policy makers on various complicated issues facing this country we will need continuous financial support from existent and new supporters. Therefore, we hope that in the future our list of partners and supporters will grow.

Network of European Foundation > http://www.nef-europe.org/




GIZ gmbh > https://www.giz.de/en/html/index.html



Fond za humanitarno pravo > http://www.hlc-rdc.org/



COUNCIL of EUROPE > http://www.coe.int/en/





NATO > http://www.nato.int/




PASOS > http://pasos.org/



Regional Environmental Center > http://www.rec.org/


University of New South Wales > https://www.unsw.com/


BFPE > http://www.bfpe.org/en/






The German Marshall Fund of US > http://www.gmfus.org/

British Embassy > https://www.gov.uk/government/world/




CSD > http://www.csd.bg/





Democracy 4 Development > http://d4d-ks.org/





SDC > https://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/fdfa/fdfa/organisation-fdfa/directorates-divisions/sdc.html



Milton Friedman Foundation > https://www.edchoice.org/




European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights > http://www.eidhr.eu/




VisegradFund > http://visegradfund.org/home/



World Bank > http://www.worldbank.org/






European Union > www.europa.eu





Regional Research Promotional Program > http://www.rrpp-westernbalkans.net/en/News.html

UNDP > http://www.undp.org/




KAS > http://www.kas.de/



Global Developing Network > http://www.gdn.int/



Roma Education Fund > http://www.romaeducationfund.hu/



City of Skopje > http://www.skopje.gov.mk/en/






UN Women > http://www.unwomen.org/en


National Endowment of Democracy > http://www.ned.org/






DGAP > https://dgap.org/




OSCE > http://www.osce.org/


Grupa 484 > http://grupa484.org.rs/



FOSM > http://www.soros.org.mk/mk/



OPIC > https://www.opic.gov/





Freedom House > https://freedomhouse.org/




Olof Palme International Center > https://www.palmecenter.se/en/



Eastwest Institute > https://www.eastwest.ngo/





Friedrich Ebert Stiftung > https://www.fes.de




Oxford Policy Management > http://www.opml.co.uk/





International Budget Partnership > http://www.internationalbudget.org/


European Stability Initiative > http://www.esiweb.org/



Europe’s world > http://europesworld.org/




Institute for sustainable community > http://www.iscvt.org/


UNICEF > https://www.unicef.org/




Ministerstvo za zdravstvo Makedonija > http://www.moh.gov.mk/



Ministerstvo za trud I socijalna politika > http://www.mtsp.gov.mk/


Ministerstvo za obrazovanie I nauka > http://www.mon.gov.mk/

Albanian Institute for International Studies > http://www.aiis-albania.org/

International Organization for Migration > http://www.iom.int/jahia/page1.html



Instityt Spraw Publicznych > http://www.isp.org.pl/



Europeum > http://www.europeum.org/


Institute of Public Administration > http://www.ipa.ie/




European Institute > http://www.europeaninstitute.bg/


Centar za istrazivanje I monitoring > www.cemi.org.me



Global Integrity > http://www.globalintegrity.org/


Bertelsmann Foundation > http://www.bfna.org/


Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe > http://www.nalas.eu/


Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency > https://www.sida.se/en


Austrian Development Agency > https://www.entwicklung.at/en/